CMTC Seminar - Surprises from Small Quantum Hall Droplets

Tue, Sep 27, 2016 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
2205 John S. Toll Physics Building


Speaker: Steve Simon (Oxford University)

Title: Surprises from Small Quantum Hall Droplets

Abstract: (a) We show how spectroscopic experiments on a small Laughlin droplet of rotating bosons can directly demonstrate Haldane fractional exclusion statistics of quasihole excitations. The characteristic signatures appear in the single-particle excitation spectrum. (b) In the limit where the confining potential is very steep but also weak compared to the ultra-short ranged inter-particle interactions, we find that the eigenstates have a Jack polynomial structure, reminiscent of the one-dimensional Calogero-Sutherland model, and have an energy spectrum which is extremely different from the well known Luttinger liquid edge.

(a) Nigel R. Cooper, Steven H. Simon, Signatures of Fractional Exclusion Statistics in the Spectroscopy of Quantum Hall Droplets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 106802 (2015)

(b) Richard Fern, Steven H. Simon, Quantum Hall Edges with Hard Confinement: Exact Solution beyond Luttinger Liquid, arXiv:1606.07441

Location: 2205 John S. Toll Physics Building

Host: Dong-Ling Deng