QMC Colloquium: Rob McQueeney, Iowa State University

Thu, Apr 25, 2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
1412 John S. Toll Bldg


Magnetism of the RMn6Sn6kagome metals

Kagome metals are known for their unique electronic band structure that contains flat bands and Dirac cones with topological character.  This has elevated interest in kagome metals as an adaptable system to study the interplay of band topology with superconductivity, itinerant magnetism, and other charge instabilities that are driven by electronic correlations.  Here, we describe inelastic neutron scattering studies of RMn6Sn6kagome metals where itinerant magnetism within the Mn kagome layers interacts with the local magnetic moments of interleaved rare-earth (R) triangular layers.  We find that competing interlayer magnetic coupling and competing single-ion anisotropies give rise to a variety of magnetic phases.  Transitions between these phases are driven by the unique orbital dynamics of the rare-earth ion.  We also provide evidence for itinerant-like flat band and chiral magnetic excitations which may provide a unique window into the correlated electronic states within the kagome layer.

Host: Jeffrey Lynn

The seminar is also on Zoom
Invite Link:  https://umd.zoom.us/j/94343757284