Since its inception in 1982, The University of Maryland Physics Department has presented a yearly series of free public demonstration programs affectionately known as Physics is Phun. These shows are geared toward a high school audience and aim to educate and entertain. For younger students, we also offer Physics Discovery Days

PiP Physics of Flight 2025


FREE but registration is required.


Physics Lecture Halls 1410 & 1412, John S. Toll Physics Building Google Maps

University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Parking:  Regents Dr. Parking Garage, across Regents Dr. from Lecture Halls



If you are interested in volunteering at our events, fill out our volunteering form.


Mailing List

To stay informed about Physics is Phun and other upcoming outreach events, join our mailing list.

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.