Dawid Brzeminski: Doctoral Defense

Fri, Jun 28, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
PSC 3150


Candidate: Dawid Brzeminski

Title: Phenomenology of ultralight fields

Abstract: Standard Model is an amazing success of particle physics, a success further cemented by the discovery of the Higgs boson. While its picture is incredibly satisfying, there are still a few mysteries it cannot address, one of which is the nature of dark matter.

While we have overwhelming evidence for its existence, we still do not know its basic properties such as mass or spin. Ultralight fields are among the most exciting dark matter candidates. Their large occupation number allows us to treat them as classical fields, while their non-relativistic velocities ensure that the field oscillates at an angular frequency equal to its mass with a long coherence time.

In this dissertation, we discuss some challenges associated with constructing successful models of ultralight dark matter and discuss new detection strategies.


In the first part of this dissertation, we address the underlying issue with ultralight scalars, namely the naturalness problem. Generally, requiring the scalar to couple to the Standard Model introduces radiative corrections to its mass, which conflicts with the requirement of a small mass. We present an ultraviolet-complete model that avoids this issue by employing $Z_N$ symmetry, which suppresses corrections to the mass while retaining relatively large couplings, making the model testable by current and future experiments.


In the second part of this dissertation, we focus on the experimental aspects of ultralight scalars. The general experimental landscape is divided into two categories: experiments assuming a dark matter background, and experiments measuring the fifth force associated with the new scalar.

The former provides strong constraints for the lightest scalars due to their large abundance, while the latter provides more conservative but robust limits on scalar interactions across many decades in scalar mass. We propose a novel approach based on measuring scalar potential using atomic and nuclear clocks, which complements fifth force measurements and offers significant improvements over current bounds.


In the third part of the dissertation, we shift our attention to vector dark matter. Specifically, we consider a scenario where some of the lepton generations are charged under a new gauge field. In this case, neutrino decays in the early universe impose strong constraints on their couplings, particularly for the lightest vectors. At higher masses, neutrino oscillations become a leading constraint due to the sourcing of the field by electrons affecting their oscillations. We demonstrate that in the presence of vector dark matter, the influence of the background field on neutrinos is even more pronounced, significantly enhancing constraints on the lightest vectors by several orders of magnitude.