Charles Misner Reflects on 50-Year Career

A physicist and summer resident of South Bristol has watched the study of general relativity, the area he has devoted 50 years of his life to, become one of the most exciting fields of study in physics.

Charles W. Misner, 84, was one of the recipients of the Albert Einstein Medal in 2015 for a series of equations known as Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism, otherwise known as ADM formalism.

Gates Awarded UMD President's Medal

Sylvester James "Jim" Gates, Jr. has been awarded the UMD President's Medal, the highest honor the University can bestow. A researcher in highly mathematical physics, Gates is a Distinguished University Professor, University System of Maryland Regents Professor and John S. Toll Professor of Physics. He recently was named a Wilson H. Elkins Professor by the University System of Maryland, and elected vice president of the Maryland State Board of Education. He was awarded the 2011 National Medal of Science.

The President's Medal will be presented at the University's Faculty and Staff Convocation on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 3 p.m. in the Memorial Chapel. ​Other physics honorees include Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Steve Anlage and Distinguished University Professors Rabi Mohapatra and Xiangdong Ji.

Ellen Williams Named Caltech Distinguished Alumna

Distinguished University Professor Ellen Williams was named a 2016 Distinguished Alumna at the California Institute of Technology, where she received her PhD in Chemistry in 1982. Caltech cited "her sustained record of innovation and achievement in the area of structural-surface physics. She founded the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at the University of Maryland and was the chief scientist for BP. She now serves as director of the Advanced Research Project Agency–Energy in the U.S. Department of Energy." The award was presented May 21 in Pasadena.