Women in Physics Received the American Physical Society’s Women in Physics Grant

The University of Maryland’s Women in Physics group recently received the Women in Physics Grant from the American Physical Society. This grant is given to support Women in Physics groups in their efforts to improve recruitment and/or retention of undergraduate women in physics. The funding will support their mentoring program for the 2016 calendar year.

The Women in Physics group provides a welcoming environment for female members of the Physics community at the University of Maryland by including undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, faculty, and staff of all genders. They developed a mentoring program to foster supportive relationships between graduate and undergraduate students, host regular professional development lunches, and organize other professional development, social, and outreach events.

Information on the award: http://www.aps.org/programs/women/scholarships/wipgrantees.cfm

2015 Faculty & Staff Convocation

The university recognized its members of the community who have made significant contributions to the university and their respective academic disciplines at the annual Faculty and Staff Convocation on October 13. Physics recipients included Jordan Goodman and Christopher Monroe who were named University of Maryland Distinguished University Professors -- the campus' highest academic honor.

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Superfluid Helium Research

Graduate student Peter Megson talks about his research on the quantum vortices that occur in superfluid helium.

Ji Selected as 2016 Recipient of Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics

The American Physical Society has selected Xiangdong Ji as the 2016 recipient of the Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics for pioneering work in developing tools to characterize the structure of the nucleon within QCD and for showing how its properties can be probed through experiments; this work not only illuminates the nucleon theoretically but also acts as a driver of experimental programs worldwide.

Professor Ji, who also serves as Director of the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, leads the PandaX experiment. He held post doctoral positions at CalTech and MIT and was on the MIT faculty before joining UMD in 1996. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society. Ji's previous awards include: 2014 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Award; 2010 National 1000-Talent Expert, China; and, 2003 recipient of the Outstanding Overseas Young Chinese Scientist award from the National Science Foundation of China.

The prize will be presented at an upcoming 2016 APS meeting.

Gretchen Campbell Named 2015 APS Fellow

Gretchen Campbell has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) for pioneering contributions to the study of superfluidity in atomic-gas Bose-Einstein condensates using ring-shaped condensates.

Founded in 1899, the APS is the world's second largest organization of physicists. Fellows are recognized by their peers for advances made in knowledge, through original research and publications. The total number of newly elected Fellows in any one year cannot exceed one per cent of Society memberships.

Campbell, an Adjunct Assistant Professor, is recognized for advancing the emerging field of physics known as atomtronics. She was an NRC Postdoctoral Fellow in Jun Ye's group at NIST, Boulder and joined the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) as a Fellow in 2009.