QuICS Special Seminar: Yingkai Ouyang


Title:  Permutation-invariant quantum error correction codes: from theory to practice
Speaker:  Yingkai Ouyang (University of Sheffield)
Time:  Monday, February 17, 2025 - 11:00am
Location:  ATL 3100A and Virtual Via Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/9893676372?pwd=VVNOd2xNZ3FCblk4aFdTMjkzTllvQT09&omn=97107155089 Meeting ID: 989 367 6372 Passcode: abc123

Permutation-invariant quantum error correction codes that are invariant under any permutation of the underlying particles. These codes could have potential applications in quantum sensors and quantum memories. Here I will review the field of permutation-invariant codes, from code constructions to applications.

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