** This is a new weekly seminar for local condensed matter theory students and postdocs to present their work to one another. Everyone is welcome! If you're interested in presenting at a future seminar, please send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. **
Title: Infinitely Stable Disordered Systems on Emergent Fractal Structures Speaker: Andrew Yuan, UMD Abstract: In quenched disordered systems, the existence of ordering is generally believed to be only possible in the weak disorder regime (disregarding models of spin-glass type). In particular, sufficiently large random field is expected to prohibit any finite temperature ordering. Here, we show that this is not necessarily true. We provide physically motivated  examples of systems in which disorder induces an ordering that is \textit{infinitely stable} in the sense that: (1) there exists ordering at arbitrarily large disorder strength and (2) the transition temperature remains, asymptotically, nonzero in the limit of infinite disorder. The ordering is spatially localized on the boundary of a disorder-induced, emergent percolating fractal structure. The examples we give are most naturally described when the spatial dimension $d \ge 3$, but can also be formulated when $d=2$, provided that the underlying graph is non-planar.