Special Seminar_PHYS838C CAREER Talk: Jim Carr, President & CEO of Carr Astronautics Corp  These informal talks are for the benefit of junior researchers considering their career options, and are given by prominent scientists from academia, national labs, funding agencies and industry. Speakers talk about their career path, give advice and answer any questions students and postdocs may have. This is a great opportunity for juniors to ponder career choices and better understand the road ahead of them!
On Monday, the talk will be given by Dr. Jim Carr, President & CEO of Carr Astronautics Corp. Dr. Carr is an alumnus from our department, with PhD studies in string theory with thesis advisor Jim Gates, and has since established a very successful astronautics company that provides problem-solving technology and expertise to clients in the aerospace industry, specializing in U.S. and international weather satellites (more information is found in a recent highlight). Dr. Carr is also responsible for establishing QMC's Carr Lecture Series, and continues to be an avid participant in our annual event.
Please encourage any junior scientists in our dept to join us on Monday, Nov.18, 4pm in 1201 Toll Physics for light refreshments and Dr. Carr's talk.