Twisting Up Atoms Through Space and Time


Nearly 50-meter Laser Experiment Sets Record in Campus Hallway

It's not at every university that laser pulses powerful enough to burn paper and skin are sent blazing down a hallway. But that’s what happened in UMD’s Energy Research Facility, an unremarkable looking building on the northeast corner of campus. If you visit the utilitarian white and gray hall now, it seems like any other university hall—as long as you don’t peek behind a cork board and spot the metal plate covering a hole in the wall.A laser is sent down a UMD hallway in an experiment to corral light as it makes a 45-meters-long journey.A laser is sent down a UMD hallway in an experiment to corral light as it makes a 45-meters-long journey.

But for a handful of nights in 2021, UMD Physics Professor Howard Milchberg and his colleagues transformed the hallway into a laboratory: The shiny surfaces of the doors and a water fountain were covered to avoid potentially blinding reflections; connecting hallways were blocked off with signs, caution tape and special laser-absorbing black curtains; and scientific equipment and cables inhabited normally open walking space.

As members of the team went about their work, a snapping sound warned of the dangerously powerful path the laser blazed down the hall. Sometimes the beam’s journey ended at a white ceramic block, filling the air with louder pops and a metallic tang. Each night, a researcher sat alone at a computer in the adjacent lab with a walkie-talkie and performed requested adjustments to the laser.

Their efforts were to temporarily transfigure thin air into a fiber optic cable—or, more specifically, an air waveguide—that would guide light for tens of meters. Like one of the fiber optic internet cables that provide efficient highways for streams of optical data, an air waveguide prescribes a path for light. These air waveguides have many potential applications related to collecting or transmitting light, such as detecting light emitted by atmospheric pollution, long-range laser communication or even laser weaponry. With an air waveguide, there is no need to unspool solid cable and be concerned with the constraints of gravity; instead, the cable rapidly forms unsupported in the air. In a paper accepted for publication in the journal Physical Review XPhysical Review X the team described how they set a record by guiding light in 45-meter-long air waveguides and explained the physics behind their method.

The researchers conducted their record-setting atmospheric alchemy at night to avoid inconveniencing (or zapping) colleagues or unsuspecting students during the workday. They had to get their safety procedures approved before they could repurpose the hallway.

“It was a really unique experience,” says Andrew Goffin, a UMD electrical and computer engineering graduate student who worked on the project and is a lead author on the resulting journal article. “There's a lot of work that goes into shooting lasers outside the lab that you don't have to deal with when you're in the lab—like putting up curtains for eye safety. It was definitely tiring.”

 Left to right Eric Rosenthal, a physicist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory; Anthony Valenzuela, a physicist at the U.S. Army Research Lab; and Goffin align optics at a porthole in the wall in order to send the laser beam from the lab down the hallway. The white dotted lines show the approximate beam path before and after the optics redirected it. Left to right Eric Rosenthal, a physicist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory; Anthony Valenzuela, a physicist at the U.S. Army Research Lab; and Goffin align optics at a porthole in the wall in order to send the laser beam from the lab down the hallway. The white dotted lines show the approximate beam path before and after the optics redirected it. All the work was to see to what lengths they could push the technique. Previously Milchberg’s lab demonstrated that a similar method worked for distances of less than a meter. But the researchers hit a roadblock in extending their experiments to tens of meters: Their lab is too small and moving the laser is impractical. Thus, a hole in the wall and a hallway becoming lab space.

“There were major challenges: the huge scale-up to 50 meters forced us to reconsider the fundamental physics of air waveguide generation, plus wanting to send a high-power laser down a 50-meter-long public hallway naturally triggers major safety issues,” Milchberg says. “Fortunately, we got excellent cooperation from both the physics and from the Maryland environmental safety office!”

Without fiber optic cables or waveguides, a light beam—whether from a laser or a flashlight—will continuously expand as it travels. If allowed to spread unchecked, a beam’s intensity can drop to un-useful levels. Whether you are trying to recreate a science fiction laser blaster or to detect pollutant levels in the atmosphere by pumping them full of energy with a laser and capturing the released light, it pays to ensure efficient, concentrated delivery of the light.

Milchberg’s potential solution to this challenge of keeping light confined is additional light—in the form of ultra-short laser pulses. This project built on previous work from 2014 in which his lab demonstrated that they could use such laser pulses to sculpt waveguides in the air.

The short pulse technique utilizes the ability of a laser to provide such a high intensity along a path, called a filament, that it creates a plasma—a phase of matter where electrons have been torn free from their atoms. This energetic path heats the air, so it expands and leaves a path of low-density air in the laser’s wake. This process resembles a tiny version of lighting and thunder where the lightning bolt’s energy turns the air into a plasma that explosively expands the air, creating the thunderclap; the popping sounds the researchers heard along the beam path were the tiny cousins of thunder.

But these low-density filament paths on their own weren’t what the team needed to guide a laser. The researchers wanted a high-density core (the same as internet fiber optic cables). So, they created an arrangement of multiple low-density tunnels that naturally diffuse and merge into a moat surrounding a denser core of unperturbed air.

The 2014 experiments used a set arrangement of just four laser filaments, but the new experiment took advantage of a novel laser setup that automatically scales up the number of filaments depending on the laser energy; the filaments naturally distribute themselves around a ring.

The researchers showed that the technique could extend the length of the air waveguide, increasing the power they could deliver to a target at the end of the hallway. At the conclusion of the laser’s journey, the waveguide had kept about 20% of the light that otherwise would have been lost from their target area. The distance was about 60 times farther than their record from previous experiments. The team’s calculations suggest that they are not yet near the theoretical limit of the technique, and they say that much higher guiding efficiencies should be easily achievable with the method in the future.

“If we had a longer hallway, our results show that we could have adjusted the laser for a longer waveguide,” says Andrew Tartaro, a UMD physics graduate student who worked on the project and is an author on the paper. “But we got our guide right for the hallway we have.”Distributions of the laser light collected after the hallway journey without a waveguide (left) and with a waveguide (right). Distributions of the laser light collected after the hallway journey without a waveguide (left) and with a waveguide (right).

The researchers also did shorter eight-meter tests in the lab where they investigated the physics playing out in the process in more detail. For the shorter test they managed to deliver about 60% of the potentially lost light to their target.

The popping sound of the plasma formation was put to practical use in their tests. Besides being an indication of where the beam was, it also provided the researchers with data. They used a line of 64 microphones to measure the length of the waveguide and how strong the waveguide was along its length (more energy going into making the waveguide translates to a louder pop).

The team found that the waveguide lasted for just hundredths of a second before dissipating back into thin air. But that’s eons for the laser bursts the researchers were sending through it: Light can traverse more than 3,000 km in that time.

Based on what the researchers learned from their experiments and simulations, the team is planning experiments to further improve the length and efficiency of their air waveguides. They also plan to guide different colors of light and to investigate if a faster filament pulse repetition rate can produce a waveguide to channel a continuous high-power beam.

“Reaching the 50-meter scale for air waveguides literally blazes the path for even longer waveguides and many applications”, Milchberg says. “Based on new lasers we are soon to get, we have the recipe to extend our guides to one kilometer and beyond.”

Story by Bailey Bedford. Images by Intense Laser-Matter Interactions Lab, UMD.

In addition to Milchberg, Goffin and Tartaro, Aaron Schweinsburg and Anthony Valenzuela from the DEVCOM Army Research Lab, and Eric Rosenthal from the Naval Research Lab are also authors and Ilia Larkin, a former UMD graduate student and current systems engineer at KLA, is a co-lead author.

Publication information:

PI affiliations: Howard Milchberg is jointly appointed to the departments of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering and is affiliated with the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics.

This work is supported by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-17-1-2705 and N00014-20-1-2233), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the JTO (FA9550-16-1-0121, FA9550-16-1-0284, and FA9550-21-1-0405), the  Army Research Lab (W911NF1620233) and the Army Research Office (W911NF-14-1-0372).

Electrons Take New Shape Inside Unconventional Metal


Two Light-Trapping Techniques Combine for the Best of Both Worlds

Of all the moonbeam-holding chip technologies out there, two stand the tallest: the evocatively named whispering gallery mode microrings, which are easy to manufacture and can trap light of many colors very efficiently, and photonic crystals, which are much trickier to make and inject light into but are unrivaled in their ability to confine light of a particular color into a tiny space—resulting in a very large intensity of light for each confined photon.

Recently, a team of researchers at JQI struck upon a clever way to combine whispering gallery modes and photonic crystals in one easily manufacturable device. This hybrid device, which they call a microgear photonic crystal ring, can trap many colors of light while also capturing particular colors in tightly confined, high-intensity bundles. This unique combination of features opens a route to new applications, as well as exciting possibilities for manipulating light in novel ways for basic research.

“There are potential applications, like single photon sources and quantum gates,” says Adjunct ProfessorScanning electron microscope image of a novel photonic microring with micron-scale gears patterned inside a larger circle. (Credit: Kartik Srinivasan/JQI)Scanning electron microscope image of a novel photonic microring with micron-scale gears patterned inside a larger circle. (Credit: Kartik Srinivasan/JQI) Kartik Srinivasan, who is also a fellow of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). “But a part of it is also fun electromagnetism and fun optical phenomena in these devices.”

The team introduced their device in a paper published in the journal Nature Photonics in 2021, and they showed off more of what it can do in a paper published recently in the journal Physical Review Letters.  

Whispering gallery mode (WGM) microrings are named after the gallery inside St. Paul’s Cathedral, a masterpiece of Baroque architecture that towers over London. Whispers in the Cathedral can be heard anywhere within the gallery because the sound gets trapped by the round walls and reflected back inside. Similarly, optical WGMs trap light in a ring, typically about a tenth of a millimeter in diameter, made of silica or another material that is transparent to optical light. Light of the right color travels round and round the ring many thousands of times before leaking out, producing a high light intensity in a small volume. Building a WGM microring that traps the desired color with minimal loss, as well as getting the light into the ring, is relatively straightforward for a wide range of colors.

Photonic crystals can confine light to much smaller volumes—sometimes less than one wavelength across. They achieve this with a carefully crafted periodic structure made up of a grid of holes or posts in a chip. The regular grid reflects light of a very specific color, and a small, intentionally introduced imperfection in the grid—called a defect—accumulates the light within the surrounding reflecting grid, trapping it in a tiny space. Photonic crystals are unrivaled in comparison to WGMs in terms of the light intensity they can create per photon, but they require very detailed electromagnetic design and precise manufacturing to implement in practice. Moreover, photonic crystals that can trap multiple colors have been challenging to realize.

The new hybrid ring is easy to manufacture and guide light into like WGMs, but it also provides extra localization for particular colors, like photonic crystals. The design of this hybrid is surprisingly simple. The researchers created a regular microring out of silicon nitride, a hollow circle much like the gallery in St. Paul’s Cathedral. To add a photonic crystal element, they cut notches into the inside wall of their ring, making it resemble a gear. It turned out that adding the gear notches inside the ring didn’t reduce the number of times the light would go around before leaking out—the ring trapped light just as well as before. Moreover, to add a defect, the researchers simply modified the size of a few of the notches.  Finally, the microgears confine just a few colors of light into tight bundles, while allowing other colors to circle around the microring freely.

“People have been saying for a long time that microrings and photonic crystals have complementary strengths, and so it would be great to put them together to get the best of both worlds,” Srinivasan says. “But in general, when people put them together this didn’t happen – sometimes you could even get the worst of both worlds. The notion that you can stick a photonic crystal into a microring with this kind of strength and modulation, while retaining a high quality factor (low loss), has actually been rather surprising for a lot of people, myself included.”

In their combined design, Srinivasan’s team showed that they could confine the light into a space more than ten times smaller than previous WGMs, enabling a higher optical intensity than in conventional WGMs. And they preserved some of best qualities of the WGMs, including a high quality factor (the light going around the ring several thousand times before leaking out) and the ease of getting light into and out of the ring. Perhaps most importantly, the design and manufacture of these hybrid devices remains straightforward for different colors of light and other parameters.

“In our work it’s basically the purest, simplest photonic crystal,” says Xiyuan Lu, an assistant research scientist at NIST and JQI and an author on both publications.  “Which is why you don't need to carry out any simulation. You can know [how to design properties] intuitively.”

After adding the microgear notches to the device last year, the team went on to extend its capabilities and detailed the performance in their more recent work. They put multiple defects into the notch pattern, with each defect created by making a few of the gear teeth shorter than the surrounding ones. Each defect confines light to a small fraction of the circumference of the microring, much like in a photonic crystal. They were able to put up to four defects into the same microring, confining light in four places and building up high intensities in a tightly confined space.

They found another unique feature of this microgear approach. The microgear can control different colors of light in different ways at the same time. Certain colors will get trapped in the defects and confined to a volume much smaller than the ring itself. At the same time, other colors can circulate freely around the microring, unconfined by the defects but still influenced by the gear structure, giving researchers extra control over the light beam.

In a normal WGM, the electromagnetic field that makes up a beam or a pulse of light wraps around the microring, forming a standing wave. If you were to ride along this wave, it would take you up and down along the edge of the ring, going through a number of peaks and troughs before dropping you back where you started. Although the number of peaks and troughs can be predicted, where exactly in the ring they will line up is completely random.

“If everything is symmetric, light can stand anywhere it likes,” says Lu. “But now we can control it.”

By placing the microgears and defects, the researchers can control exactly where in the microring the peaks and troughs of the free-floating color will end up. And they can even wrap it around in unintuitive ways, creating something akin to a Möbius strip out of light—a circular structure you’d have to traverse twice in order to end up where you started.

In addition to fun with electromagnetism, these microgears open up possible applications in several realms, including non-linear optics, where light interacts with the matter it travels through to produce new colors and directions.

“In photonic crystals, you can kind of engineer one mode pretty well,” Srinivasan says. “But it’s difficult to engineer multiple modes simultaneously. With this device, we can envision mixing between different colors of light that we can really engineer the modes of while having these additional resources of strong confinement and high intensity.”

Another promising application is in the realm of cavity quantum electrodynamics: the fundamental study of the interactions between atoms and light. The approach is to trap single atoms or quantum dots near a localized, intense beam of light and study their behavior. This also allows for the control of quantum matter with light.

“We have a platform now where it’s straightforward for us to have multiple sites within one of these resonators that can host single quantum emitters,” Srinivasan says.

These potential applications have not been demonstrated yet, but the researchers are confident that this new tool will find many uses. Among its strongest advantages is how easy it is to design, fabricate and work with.

“In our case, the platform seems to be quite forgiving,” Lu says. “If you do anything new, chances are it can work well.”

Original story by Dina Genkina:

In addition to Lu and Srinivasan, authors on the papers included Mingkang Wang, a postdoctoral associate at NIST; Feng Zhou, a research associate at NIST; Andrew McClung, a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of Massachusetts Amherst now at Raytheon; Marcelo Davanco, a research scientist at NIST; and Vladimir Aksyuk, the project leader in the Photonics and Optomechanics Group at NIST.

Molecular Tug-of-war Gives Cells Their Shape

In a new study, University of Maryland researchers have demystified the process by which cells receive their shape—and it all starts with a protein called actin.

Actin is a key component of the cytoskeleton that provides structure to cells, much like how our skeletons support our bodies. However, unlike our skeleton, the actin cytoskeleton is a highly malleable structure that can rapidly assemble and disassemble in response to biochemical and biophysical cues. 

It is well known that actin can form both 3D spherical shell-like structures that protect cells from external pressure and 2D rings that modify intracellular functions. But whenever researchers tried to recreate these structures outside the cell, they almost always ended up with clusters of actin. No one knew why—until now.

The researchers used computer simulations to show that actin and its partner protein, myosin, engage in a tug-of-war, with myosin trying to trap actin in local clusters and actin attempting to flee. If actin wins, actin filaments escape myosin’s pulling force and spontaneously form rings and spherical shells. If myosin wins, the actin network collapses and forms dense clusters. 

Actin (shown in magenta and in box “a”) and myosin (shown in green and in box “b”) are depicted in the actin rings of live T cells (box “c”). Box “d” provides a snapshot of MEDYAN simulations, which resemble the actin ring found in T cells. Credit: Haoran Ni.  Actin (shown in magenta and in box “a”) and myosin (shown in green and in box “b”) are depicted in the actin rings of live T cells (box “c”). Box “d” provides a snapshot of MEDYAN simulations, which resemble the actin ring found in T cells. Credit: Haoran Ni.  

“Actin rings and spherical shells are ubiquitous in almost all cell types across species. We think that understanding the mechanism behind the formation of these structures unlocks the door to how cells sense and respond to their environment,” said Garegin Papoian, a co-author of the study and a UMD Monroe Martin Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology (IPST).

Their findings, published Oct. 21, 2022 in the journal eLife, could have important implications for human health. Because actin rings are central to our bodies’ ability to fight off foreign cells—with defects potentially resulting in impaired immunity or autoimmune disorders—the findings of this study could aid the development of future drugs.

Actin monomers can be thought of as railroad cars, which link up to form a train-like actin filament. These actin trains move through the cell because of a process called treadmilling. Also at play are the myosin motors, which pull oppositely oriented trains toward each other. Papoian, Qin Ni (Ph.D. ’21, chemical engineering) and biophysics Ph.D. student Haoran Ni believed that a competition between myosin’s pulling force and the rate of treadmilling was responsible for the formation of actin rings.

Fine-tuning these parameters in living cells is not possible, so the researchers turned to a simulation software called MEDYAN, developed by the Papoian Lab. MEDYAN uses physics and chemistry rules to simulate the dynamics of cytoskeletal proteins. They simulated an actin and myosin network (collectively referred to as actomyosin) in a thin disc and spherical shell.

They found that if the actin trains move slowly, the myosin pulling force causes traffic jams, which are the actomyosin clusters that have been observed in networks reconstituted outside cells. On the other hand, if the actin trains move fast, they can escape myosin’s pull. Once they reach the boundary of the disc, myosin’s pulling force makes the actin trains turn, preventing a head-on collision with the disc edge. Repeated occurrence of these events results in all the trains moving in a circle along the perimeter of the disc, which forms the actin ring.

Further analysis offers a thermodynamic theory to explain why cells form rings and shells. According to the laws of physics, systems favor the lowest energy configuration. Myosin proteins generate a lot of mechanical energy by bending actin filaments, which can only be released if actin can run away and relax. In living cells, actin’s ability to move fast enough to escape myosin and run to the edge allows for this built-up energy to be released, allowing for the formation of rings or shells, which, thermodynamically speaking, is the lowest energy configuration.

“The reason rings were not previously seen outside the cell is because actin just wasn’t moving fast enough,” Papoian said. “Myosin was winning 10 times out of 10.”

Together with Professor Arpita Upadhyaya and physics graduate student Kaustubh Wagh, biological sciences graduate student Aashli Pathni and biophysics graduate student Vishavdeep Vashisht, the team set out to test this model in living cells by turning their attention to T cells, where rings naturally form.

T cells are the cells in our body that hunt down foreign cells. When they recognize a cell as foreign and become activated, the T cell cytoskeleton rapidly reorganizes itself to form an actin ring at the cell-cell interface. Starting with cells that had formed rings, the researchers investigated the effect of perturbing actin and myosin using high-resolution live-cell imaging.

Reducing the actin train speed resulted in dissolution of the ring into small clusters, while increasing myosin’s pulling force led to rapid contraction of the ring, in remarkable agreement with associated simulations.

As a follow-up to this study, the team plans to add more complexity to the model and include other cytoskeletal components and organelles.

“We have been able to capture one fundamental aspect of cytoskeletal organization,” Papoian said. “Piece by piece, we plan to build a computational model of a complete cell using fundamental principles from physics and chemistry.”


Original story:

This article is adapted from text provided by Qin Ni and Kaustubh Wagh.

The research paper, “A tug of war between filament treadmilling and myosin induced contractility generates actin rings,” was published in eLife on Oct. 21, 2022.  

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (Award Nos. CHE-1800418, PHY-1806903 and PHY-1607645) and the National Institutes of Health (Award No. R01 GM131054). This story does not necessarily reflect the views of these organizations.

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