NSF S-STEM Program

UMD Aerial

The S-STEM Chesapeake Scholars program is a multi-disciplinary scholarship within the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland, College Park. Funded by the National Science Foundation, Chesapeake Scholars is designed to serve undergraduate students with academic talent and unmet financial need across six physical science disciplines: 

  • Astronomy
  • Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry
  • Geology
  • Physics

The goals of this program are to increase retention, attract transfer students and undeclared students, and increase students’ sense of belonging. Findings from the Chesapeake Scholars program will be used to design and implement future programs at UMD to improve the educational experience for all undergraduates in our college.

The S-STEM Chesapeake Scholars program is intended to extend the success of previous University of Maryland S-STEM programs to a broader range of degree-seeking students. Scholars will be selected based upon demonstrated academic talent, unmet need, and interest in pursuing a degree in physical sciences. All inducted scholars must take a one-credit orientation seminar course in each of their first two semesters in our program.

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Undergraduate Quantum Association (UQA)


Are you interested in quantum computing and technology? Do you want to learn more about quantum mechanics and its range of applications?

We post our announcements in the UQA Discord server about meetings, events, opportunities, and more! Join our Discord by using this link: https://discord.gg/qtqcAjhRVP

The Undergraduate Quantum Association (UQA) is a research and career-oriented student organization which provides a space for students to engage with and learn more about quantum science! UQA helps to connect the campus community to the frontiers of quantum through various events. We have…

  • Taken tours to local facilities like IonQ, a quantum computing company focused on software and hardware development
  • Invited speakers from quantum industries to discuss their work via a speaker series
  • Invited UMD faculty to discuss quantum research opportunities on campus
  • Collaborated with hackathon organizations to create a quantum computing track

Our community consists of physics, computer science, and other majors who are eager to explore quantum science. Regardless of major, everyone is welcome at UQA!

We have weekly general body meetings on Tuesdays at 7PM in Room 2208 John S. Toll Building.

2022-23 Leadership Team:

President: Jade LeSchack

Vice President: Sondos Quqandi

Secretary: Argen Detoito

Communications Officers: Hannah Cho

Officers: Dhruv Srinivasan, Neha Narayan, Aaron Gorbaty, Jacob Cigliano, Nick Mann, Hannah McCright, Nathan Constantinides

UQA Advisor: Donna Hammer

Association Sponsors:

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Undergraduate Student Committee

Our Mission:
The Physics Undergraduate Committee (PUC) strives to be a community-oriented organization for undergraduate students studying physics at the University of Maryland. We provide both academic and mental health resources in order to cultivate a well-roundedness in the undergraduate department. Supporting our peers is important to us, and ultimately we want every physics major to feel welcomed.

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Undergraduate Research Colloquium:
PUC hosts undergraduate colloquia biweekly on Tuesday at 6:00 PM in Toll 2120, in which undergraduate students are given the opportunity to present information regarding their scientific interests and research to their peers. Attending and speaking during colloquia is a great way to practice your scientific communication skills, so we encourage you to sign up with our interest form! https://forms.gle/9Lz5kpPy5wE83yGp8

Soccer Tournament:
Every spring, we host our PUC Champions League soccer tournament. In the past, we’ve had over 60 players! Look out for the sign up in your email during the spring semester.

Mental Health Events:
To help destress during midterms, finals, and other critical points of the semester, the PUC mental health committee organizes activities like tea time, and raises awareness for the mental health resources on campus. Check your email and for posted reminders for these activities on the 1st floor of Toll.

Leadership Bios:

Sarah Waldych

Hello, I’m Sarah, and I am a senior double major in both physics and astronomy! Besides my love for physics, I also ice skate and have been skating for eleven years now. 

Rafael Romero Mendez

Hello, I’m Rafael, and I am a junior double major in physics and math. Outside academics, I enjoy reading philosophy as well as riding my bike around campus.

Nathan Constantinides

I’m Nathan, and I am a junior studying physics and computer science. I’m an avid bass player, and recently picked up the guitar.

Yusuf Aamir

I’m Yusuf, and I am a senior physics and astronomy double major. I love playing and watching soccer and I’m passionate about classical jazz.

Yash Anand

Hey, I’m Yash, and I am a senior physics and math double degree! When I am not synthesizing materials, I love playing video games and listening to all types of music.


Contact Information:

Sarah Waldych, Co-President

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Rafael Romero Mendez, Co-President

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Nathan Constantinides, Academic Comm.

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Yusuf Aamir, Academic Comm.

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Yash Anand, Mental Health Comm.

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Donna Hammer, Advisor

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The Vortex Makerspace




Join the Makerspace Today!

If you would like to get more involved, fill out https://ter.ps/Vortex2122.


About Us:

Welcome to the UMD Physics Makerspace! We seek to encourage learning, investigation, and collaboration through practical projects in electronics, fabrication, coding, and more. We focus on skills that are useful to a physics major in their career, but are not taught in any courses at UMD. While we are built around UMD physics, the same skills are useful in a range of fields, and all are welcome!

The Vortex is one makerspace among 25+ within the Makerspace Initative (MSI). The MSI is dedicated to providing students, faculty, and staff with the resources to create and innovate. For more information, visit their page.

You can get involved through our frequent hour-long workshops where we teach you a basic skill with no prior knowledge assumed. Or come drop on by any time (as long as we’re open) and chat with a shop manager about a project you are interested in working on in the space, and what resources we can offer you (make sure to check the shop manager schedule to find someone who is interested in the same topics as you!).

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The Vortex is also the classroom for PHYS499X. PHYS499X is a laboratory course emphasizing practical skills for Physics experiments. The course covers design, fabrication, hands-on skills, repair, and safety. The course takes place within The Vortex to offer a curriculum focusing on practical skills that are not otherwise covered in the traditional coursework (e.g.: carpentry, electronics disassembly/assembly, soldering). Skills obtained and techniques learned in this course serve as a gateway into the Physics Makerspace community, and prepare students for experimental research experiences in future career trajectories, whether in research or industry.

Past Events

Physics Makers Camp



Circuits 31022 Workshop Picture

Our Location:

We are located in building 111, tucked between the physics and chemistry buildings. The easiest way to enter the space is to go down the stairs behind Toll 1410 and 1412. Our official address can be found here: maps.umd.edu

When we are open, the door remains unlocked and you can come on in!

 vortex map  


Staff Contact Information:

Angel Torres: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Donna Hammer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.