The Department offers a wide variety of physics courses for undergraduate physics majors, engineers, students of the sciences and the general university population. You can also follow links to the University's course registration, grades, and scheduling.
- Physics Undergraduate Course Information
- Physics Graduate Course Information
- Syllabi/Course Listings
- Schedule of 400-700 Level Courses: 2004-2010
- Schedule of Physics Classes: Summer 2015
- Schedule of Physics Classes: Fall 2015
- Physics 101: Contemporary Physics
- Physics 102: Physics of Music
- Physics 103: Physics of Music Laboratory
- Physics 104: How Things Work
- Physics 105: Physics for Decision Makers
- Physics 106: Light, Perception, Photography & Visual Phenomena
- Physics 107: Light, Perception, Photography & Visual Phenomena Laboratory
- Physics 111: Physics in the Modern World I
- Physics 115: Inquiry into Physics
- Physics 117: Introduction to Physics
- Physics 121: Fundamentals of Physics I
- Physics 122: Fundamentals of Physics II
- Physics 131: Fundamentals of Physics for Biologists
- Physics 132: Fundamentals of Physics for Biologists II
- Physics 141: Principles of Physics I
- Physics 142: Principles of Physics II
- Physics 161: General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics
- Physics 165: Introduction to Programming for the Physical Sciences
- Physics 170 Professional Physics Seminar
- Physics 171: Introductory Physics Mechanics and Relativity
- Physics 174: Physics Laboratory Introduction
- Physics 199M: The Manhattan Project
- Physics 260: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity & Magnetism
- Physics 261: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity & Magnetism: Laboratory
- Physics 270: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity & Modern Physics
- Physics 271: Electrodynamics, Light, Relativity & Modern PHysics:Laboratory
- Physics 272 & 272H: Introductory Physics: Fields
- Physics 273 & 273H: Introductory Physics: Waves
- Physics 275: Experimental Physics I
- Physics 276: Experimental Physics II
- Physics 299B: Fundamentals of Physics II for Biology
- Physics 299C: Physics Research Seminar
- Physics 299G: Special Problems in Physics
- Physics 299L: Quantitative Biology and Biophysics Research Experience
- Physics 305: Physics Shop Techniques
- Physics 374: Intermediate Theoretical Methods
- Physics 375: Experimental Physics III: Electromagnetic Waves, Optics and Modern Physics
- Physics 389: Undergraduate Thesis Research
- Physics 399: Special Problems in Physics
- Physics 401: Quantum Physics I
- Physics 402: Quantum Physics II
- Physics 404: Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
- Physics 405: Advanced Experiments
- Physics 410: Classical Mechanics
- Physics 411: Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism
- Physics 420: Principles of Modern Physics
- Physics 426: Mathematica for Scientist and Engineers
- Physics 429: Atomic Nuclear Physics Laboratory
- Physics 431: Properties of Matter
- Physics 441: Introduction to Sub Atomic Physics
- Physics 474: Special Problems in Physics: Computational Physics
- Physics 476: Applied Machine Learning
- Physics 485: Electronic Circuits
- Physics 499C: Computational Physics
- Physics 499G: Seminar in Superstring/M-Theory:DNA
- Physics 499M: Special Problems in Physics: Physics, Material Chemistry and Device Applications at the Nanoscale
- Physics 499O: Special Problems in Physics: A Topical Introduction to Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
- Physics 601: Theoretical Dynamics
- Physics 603: Methods of Statistical Physics
- Physics 604: Methods of Mathematical Physics
- Physics 606: Electrodynamics
- Physics 615: Nonlinear Dynamics of Extended Systems
- Physics 621: Graduate Laboratory
- Physics 622: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I
- Physics 623: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II
- Physics 624: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Physics 625: Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
- Physics 675: Introduction to Relativity, Gravitation & Cosmology
- Physics 685: Research Electronics
- Physics 704: Statistical Mechanics
- Physics 711: Symmetry Problems in Physics
- Physics 715: Chaotic Dynamics
- Physics 721: Atomic and Optical Physics I
- Physics 722: Atomic and Optical Physics II
- Physics 726: Quantum Optical Information Rotation
- Physics 731: Solid State Physics: Survey
- Physics 732: Solid State Physics II: Survey
- Physics 741: Nuclear Physics: Survey
- Physics 751: Elementary Particle Physics I: Survey
- Physics 752: Elementary Particles Physics II: Theory
- Physics 761: Plasma Physics I: Survey
- Physics 762: Plasma Physics II
- Physics 771: Cosmic Ray Physics: Survey
- Physics 776: Advanced Gravitation Theory
- Physics 798: Special Problems in Advanced Physics
- Physics 798C:Special Problems in Advanced Physics
- Physics 798E: High Temperature Superconductivity
- Physics 798G: Special Topics in Experimental Gravitation and Astrophysics
- Physics 798I: Superconductivity
- Physics 798N: Basic Biophysics for Motion in Cells
- Physics 798S: Superconductivity
- Physics 818: Physics of Cancer
- Physics 828M: Cancer Bio-Physics
- Physics 832: Theory of Solids I
- Physics 838C: Special Topics in Experimental Solid State Physics: Superconductivity, Quantum Materials and Nanoscience Seminar
- Physics 851: Advanced Quantum Field Theory
- Physics 858: Theory and Phenomenology of Extra Dimensions
- Physics 859: Introduction to String Theory & M-Theory
- Physics 879: Special Topics in General Relativity: Gravitational Wave Physics
- Physics 889: Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Physics
- Foundations & Frontiers of Physics