Physics Colloquium

Tue, Mar 11, 2025 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
1410 Toll Building


Nikolay I. Zheludev, University of Southampton, UK

Photonic Time Crystals and Timetronics

Light-driven nonreciprocal forces in arrays of nano-opto-mechanical oscillators can underpin the functionality of Time Crystals, a many-body interacting system that exhibits a spontaneous mobilization transition to the robust state of oscillation under an infinitely small change of the external driving force. Such time crystals are a form of Active Matter with life-mimicking dynamics accompanied by the breaking of time translation symmetry, ergodicity, and local entropy decrease. This is of interest to optical “timetronics” – a data processing and communications technology relying on the unique functionalities of
time crystals.

Hosted By: Steve Angle