Mohammad Hafezi studied for two years at Sharif University before completing his undergraduate degree at École Polytechnique in 2003. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from Harvard University in 2009. He was a senior research associate at the Joint Quantum Institute before joining the faculty of UMD. His group aims at the theoretical and experimental investigation of quantum properties of light-matter interaction, for applications in classical and quantum information processing and sensing. He received a Sloan Research Fellowship and Office of Naval Research Young Investigator award in 2015.
Centers & Institutes: Joint Quantum Institute, Quantum Technology Center
- New Design Packs Two Qubits into One Superconducting Junction
- Hafezi Named Simons Investigator
- Hafezi Named Finalist for 2020 Blavatnik Award
- DURIP Grants Awarded to Johnpierre Paglione and Mohammad Hafezi
- Mohammad Hafezi Receives ONR Young Investigator Award
- Manucharyan, Hafezi Receive Sloan Fellowships