CMNS Protocols for Faculty Searches, Appointments, Promotions, and Reviews

Research Scientists, Professors, Engineers, and Clinical Professors

{Note that there are three faculty ranks for each of these titles and each should be parallel to the tenure-track ranks but do not carry tenure.  They do require evidence of independent scholarly activity.}

The unit submits a dossier in PDF format to the Faculty Affairs website for review by the ADFA and the Dean.

Normally the dossier will contain:

  • PTK Transmittal Form (with vote of eligible faculty)
  • CV (need not be in UMD format)*
  • personal statement*
  • unit promotion criteria*
  • documentation of duties and responsibilities*
  • letter from the unit head assessing the research of the candidate
  • report by an AEP Committee summarizing the candidate's credentials and providing rationale for the appointment
  • letters assessing the research of the candidate
    • at least three (with at least one external) for assistant-level candidates
    • at least four (with at least one external) for associate-level candidates
    • at least six (with at least three external) for the highest rank

*signed and dated by candidate to verify his/her review

If approved by the ADFA and the Dean:

If the position is grant-funded, then the unit sends a pre-approved offer letter and contract to the candidate and informs the Dean, the ADFA, the ADFP and the EXAA by email if the offer is accepted.
If the position is State-funded, then the unit head obtains the Dean’s approval for the terms of the offer and the funding sources, and proceeds as above.
The unit copies the signed letter and contract to the ADFP and the EXAA.
Assistant Research Scientists/Professors are limited to three years, but are renewable. 
Associate Research Scientists/Professors and Research Scientists/Professors are limited to five years, but are also renewable

Retiring Professors Appointed as Research Professors

The unit head sends the CV and a letter of justification to the EXAA for review by the Dean.  No committee review is required given that such review occurred for tenure.
To justify this appointment the faculty member is expected to be engaged in grant-funded research.
The decision is then made by the Dean, who informs the ADFA, the ADFP, and the EXAA, the candidate and the unit head.

Faculty Specialists

{Note that this faculty rank requires a BS degree and is intended for people who provide technical support in support of faculty research activities.  It does not represent a promotion for anyone who is in a postdoctoral position.}
The unit uploads a dossier in PDF format to the Faculty Affairs website for review by the ADFA, ADFP, and the Dean.

The dossier should contain:

  • Supporting letter from the unit head providing rationale for appointment to this rank
  • CV (need not be in UMD format)*
  • brief description of duties and responsibilities*
  • unit promotion criteria or link to information on the web*

*signed and dated by candidate to verify his/her review

If approved by the ADFA and the Dean:
If the position is grant funded, then the unit sends a pre-approved offer letter and contract to the candidate and informs the Dean, the ADFA, the ADFP and the EXAA by email if the offer is accepted.
If the position is State funded, then the unit head obtains the Dean’s approval for the terms of the offer and the funding sources, and proceeds as above.
The unit copies the signed letter and contract to the ADFP and the EXAA.

Senior Faculty Specialists, Principal Faculty Specialists
The unit uploads a dossier in PDF format to the Faculty Affairs website () for review by the ADFA, ADFP, and the Dean.

The dossier should contain:

  • PTK Transmittal Form (for second and highest ranks a positive vote from the unit AEP committee or eligible faculty)
  • CV (need not be in UMD format)*
  • personal statement*
  • unit promotion criteria or link to information on the web*
  • brief description of duties and responsibilities*
  • supporting letter from the unit head
  • report by the unit AEP Committee summarizing the candidate's qualifications and providing rationale for the appointment.
  • And if for Principal Specialist, two letters assessing the qualifications of the candidate

*signed and dated by candidate to verify his/her review

If approved by the ADFA and the Dean:

If the position is grant-funded, then the unit sends a pre-approved offer letter and contract to the candidate and informs the Dean, the ADFA, the ADFP and the EXAA by email if the offer is accepted.
If the position is State funded, then the unit head obtains the Dean’s approval for the terms of the offer and the funding sources, and proceeds as above.
The unit copies the signed letter and contract to the ADFP and the EXAA.

Senior Lecturers, Principal Lecturers

The unit uploads a dossier in PDF format to the Faculty Affairs website ( for review by the ADUE, ADFP, and the Dean.

The dossier should contain:

  • PTK Transmittal Form (with vote of eligible faculty)
  • CV*
  • personal statement*
  • unit promotion criteria*
  • description of duties and responsibilities*
  • letter from the unit head
  • report by the unit AEP Committee
  • at least two letters from faculty assessing the instructional abilities of the candidate
  • summary of student teaching evaluations*
  • peer evaluations*
  • Teaching portfolio, which is uploaded as a separate PDF document

*signed and dated by candidate to verify his/her review

If approved by the ADUE and the Dean, then the unit head obtains the Dean’s approval for the terms of the offer and the funding sources, and proceeds as above.
The unit copies the signed letter and contract to the ADFP and the EXAA.

Other faculty positions (e.g. Lecturer, Faculty Assistant, Postdoctoral Scholar):

The process for these positions is internal to the unit, but should still follow campus policies and guidelines

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