Faculty, Staff, Student and Alumni Awards & Notes

We proudly recognize members of our community who recently garnered major honors, began new positions and more.

Faculty and Staff 
  • Adam Ehrenberg (Ph.D, '24) joined the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) as a Research Staff Member.
  • Chad Mitchell (Ph.D., '07) is a physicist at the Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
  • Luke Sollitt (B.S., '97) is a planetary physicist for NASA.
  • C. V. Vishveshwara (Ph.D., '68) was recalled as Scientist of the Day on March 6, 2025.
Department News 

Connecting the Quantum Dots

Physics Ph.D. student Anantha Rao tests ways to build bigger and better quantum computers.

Anantha Rao grew up in Bengaluru, a city known as India’s tech hub due to its bustling startup culture and many international IT corporations. While many of Rao’s peers pursued engineering and related subjects, Rao’s love of science and knack for solving mathematical problems nudged him in a different direction.

“Everyone around me was an engineer or wanted to be one, and that is one thing I did not want to be,” Rao said. “I had this rebellious nature of going against the crowd, but I also wanted to solve fundamental problems in the basic sciences for the love of it—not for immediate applications.”

Rao discovered his calling after winning a high school physics competition. As a prize, he received a book written by Richard Feynman, a theoretical physicist who laid the groundwork for the field of quantum computing more than 40 years ago, and the field’s endless applications captivated Rao.

“Quantum computing has applications in studying how drug molecules bind to receptors or decrypting credit card transactions. You could study models of how the universe was created or see how the first molecule came into the picture,” Rao said. “Using ideas from quantum mechanics and computer science, you can also build better quantum computers, which is the problem that I’m looking at today.”

Now a Ph.D. student in the University of Maryland’s Department of Physics and Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS), Rao probes the fundamental physics that could power the next generation of quantum computers. He said he’s grateful for the chance to pursue that challenge in the “Capital of Quantum” at UMD.

“UMD is one of the top schools in the world for quantum information, especially theory,” Rao said. “Ten years ago, if someone told me that I'd be here now, I would feel like it is a dream.”

Tackling malaria with tech

Before moving to the United States, Rao was a full-time physics student and part-time entrepreneur in India. While Rao was enrolled in a combined bachelor’s and master’s program at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, he cofounded a startup to develop diagnostic tools for diseases like malaria, a mosquito-borne infection that kills an estimated 608,000 people per year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The software he developed, dubbed Deep Learning for Malaria Detection (DeleMa Detect), relied on artificial intelligence (AI) to search patients’ blood smear images for the signs and stages of malaria infection. This technology is packed into a small, portable device, reducing the need for lab tests that can be costly and inaccessible in many parts of the world.

Rao’s startup received a $50,000 grant and won top prize at the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) 2021 Startup Showcase. Rao has since moved on to other projects but said his early entrepreneurial experience taught him lessons about project leadership and collaboration that he applies to his research every day.

“I learned a lot about AI during my brief stint with entrepreneurship, and that’s something I've been working on lately—using AI to solve problems in physics,” Rao said. “My main motivation now is: What are the toughest problems out there and how can I solve them?Rao at TU Delft.Rao at TU Delft.

Since joining UMD’s physics Ph.D. program in 2023, he has been working to identify—and answer—those questions, one at a time.

The making of MAViS

One of Rao’s biggest ongoing projects is a collaboration between UMD, the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He has been leading the Modular Autonomous Virtualization System for Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Quantum Dot Arrays (MAViS) project, which aims to advance research that could lead to bigger and better quantum dot-based quantum computers.

Central to this concept are quantum dots, tiny semiconductor particles that serve as the building blocks of some quantum computers. These quantum computers operate at temperatures close to absolute zero, or −273.15 degrees Celsius—conditions that prompt the chips to engage in quantum mechanical behavior.

“The chips in your phone and chips in your laptop are made up of semiconductors, and similarly, we have quantum computers made out of semiconductors, except they operate at the coldest temperatures in the universe,” Rao explained. “The problem is you can't control them very well and you have a lot of unwanted interactions coming in.

To control each quantum dot, voltages must be applied to electrodes in their vicinity. Isolating this task can be tricky, though, because quantum dots are spaced just a few nanometers apart.

“What MAViS offers is a way to independently control each quantum dot in a very scalable and efficient way. This is a process called virtualization,” Rao explained. “Most importantly, it’s completely automatic. You press a button and MAViS solves a lot of equations faster than any human.”

By finding ways to offset unwanted interactions, which can introduce errors, researchers can make quantum computers run more efficiently and accurately. MAViS also uses “a little bit of AI” to enable corrections in real-time, Rao said.

Rao and his collaborators have seen encouraging results after testing MAViS on some of the world’s largest quantum dot devices in the Netherlands. MAViS successfully enabled researchers to operate and more efficiently control quantum dots, which in turn helps them control qubits—the fundamental building blocks of quantum computers.

Rao explained that one of the benefits of MAViS is that it works quickly and could free up time for researchers to focus on deeper tasks.

“We were able to do a task in about four hours that would have taken a month or two months of human effort,” Rao said. “Without MAViS, a lot of people with doctorate degrees would have needed to stare at computer screens and analyze complicated images to solve this problem. Now, researchers can automatically ‘virtualize’ their quantum dots and perform interesting experiments.”

Aside from his research with MAViS, Rao said his research on semiconductor qubits has also revealed some unusual physics, including elusive crystals made entirely of electrons.

“Another question in my research is: If you have these semiconductor quantum dots or quantum computers, what is some interesting physics that one could study in one dimension or two dimensions?” Rao said. “We've found evidence that exotic phases of matter—something called Wigner crystals—could be found in these devices.”

Giving back

As Rao dives deeper into quantum physics, he continually seeks ways to share his knowledge. MAViS and many of Rao’s past research projects involve open-source code so that the community at large can benefit.

“Since undergrad, I’ve wanted to give back to the community as I’ve learned things, and one way is through open-source projects and mentoring other students,” said Rao, who also worked as a teaching assistant and served on graduate student committees at UMD. “We hope to eventually make MAViS open source so that people anywhere in the world can build better, scalable quantum-dot quantum computers.”

After Rao graduates, he hopes to find a job that will enable him to keep tackling the big questions in quantum physics, whether that’s in academia or private industry.

“My pursuit is the best research and the best science that I can do today, and I believe that approach will give me the right opportunity in an academic lab or industry lab,” Rao said. “There are a lot of problems to solve in quantum, and I’m working toward solving them one at a time.”

Written by Emily Nunez; published March, 2025

UMD Physicist Helps Sculpt Quantum Mechanics into Reality

In 2020, physicist Nicole Yunger Halpern received a rather unusual email out of the blue. Bruce Rosenbaum, a Massachusetts-based artist dubbed “the steampunk guru” by The Wall Street Journal, watched one of her lectures about quantum thermodynamics and was interested in collaborating with her. Rosenbaum saw something extraordinary in Yunger Halpern’s work—in terms of cutting-edge science and artistic possibility. 

For Yunger Halpern, who coined the term “quantum steampunk” while earning her Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology, it almost felt like scientific serendipity. 

“It’s been a privilege to interact with someone who is based in such a different world. I’m in physics, Bruce is in art. And yet, we both have a very strong shared interest in connecting the steam-powered world of the Industrial Revolution to today,” said Yunger Halpern, who is a theoretical physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a fellow of the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science, and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Physics and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology at the University of Maryland.Quantum steampunk sketch by Jim SuQuantum steampunk sketch by Jim Su

The unusual partnership kicked off a multi-year quest to craft a piece of art that could represent two very different worlds. For weeks, Yunger Halpern and Rosenbaum worked over weekend Zooms and emails to brainstorm before enlisting others to help bring their ideas to life. 

In late 2024, they finally created their masterpiece: an eight-inch diameter sculpture that marries steampunk (a popular genre that combines Victorian-era aesthetics like brass, gears and steam with modern technology) with quantum physics (a rapidly evolving field that deals with how things work at the tiniest possible scales). At these tiny levels, objects don’t behave the same way as they do in our everyday world—for example, things can exist in multiple states at once, like a coin that, in some ways, behaves as though it were both heads-up and tails-up simultaneously.

Inspired by these strange behaviors present in quantum physics, Yunger Halpern and Rosenbaum focused their project on the concept of quantum engines, devices that convert energy from one form to another. According to Yunger Halpern, even a single atom can function as an engine, transforming random microscopic motion into useful energy. 

“Our sculpture depicts an engine that can operate at the atomic scale to convert heat energy— which is random, the energy of particles alwaysQuantum steampunkQuantum steampunk jiggling around—into useful work. Work is coordinated energy, the kind that charges our computers and powers our factories,” Yunger Halpern explained. “Like the steam-powered tech of the Victorian era, this engine relies on thermodynamic properties to make its conversion. We wanted to bring those two themes from very different periods of history together.”

Linking quantum and art for all

Creating this visual representation of the invisible quantum world required an unusual team with varied skills. Rosenbaum brought in illustrator Jim Su for the initial designs and design engineering company Empire Group fabricated the sculpture. Rosenbaum and Yunger Halpern coordinated a careful balance between artistic vision and scientific accuracy at every stage of the project. Gradually, the team grew to include other UMD faculty and staff members, including Distinguished University Professors Christopher Jarzynski and William Phillips, Senior Faculty Specialist Daniel Serrano and Scientific Development Officer Alfredo Nava-Tudela. The UMD Quantum Startup Foundry and Caltech’s Institute for Quantum Information and Matter also pitched in.

The result was a metallic, partially 3D-printed sculpture measuring eight inches in diameter, an eclectic mashup of both quantum science principles and artistic sensibilities. 

“Everyone shared their expertise to create our final product, whether they offered scientific or artistic contributions,” Yunger Halpern said. “It’s something we are all very proud of.”

Supported by UMD’s Arts for All program, the sculpture will make its debut at the American Physical Society’s Global Physics Summit in March 2025 in honor of the United Nations’ Year of Quantum Science and Technology. After its premiere, the sculpture will head to Caltech before finding a home at UMD. 

But Yunger Halpern and her partners have ambitions beyond this first tabletop creation. They hope to create a much larger and grander version of their steampunk sculpture in the near future—complete with antique brasses, lasers, touchscreens and other high-tech interactive and moving elements.

“We have plans for our sculpture’s next iteration, but it’s still early in the fund-gathering process,” Yunger Halpern said. “For now, we’re focusing on sharing our tabletop quantum engine with the world and creating a tangible connection to what’s usually an invisible world. We hope that it’ll capture that sense of adventure in quantum thermodynamics for scientists and art enthusiasts alike.”


Written by Georgia Jiang

Zohreh Davoudi Awarded Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

Zohreh Davoudi, an associate professor of physics at the University of Maryland and Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. The award, which was established in 1996 to recognize young professionals who have demonstrated exceptional potential for leadership in their fields, is the highest honor the U.S. government bestows on early-career scientists and engineers.Zohreh Davoudi Zohreh Davoudi

Davoudi, who is also a Fellow of the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science and the Associate Director for Education at the NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation, is one of 398 scientists and engineers nationwide to be acknowledged by President Biden.

“I am truly honored by this recognition,” Davoudi says. “This award signifies that the President and the U.S. government appreciate the important role scientists and engineers play in advancing society. I am excited to continue exploring the frontiers of nuclear physics and quantum information science using advanced classical- and quantum-computational methods and to continue building a community of amazing junior and senior collaborators who share the same or similar goals.”

Davoudi’s research focuses on strongly interacting quantum systems and investigates how elementary particles, like quarks and gluons, come together and form the matter that makes up our world. Her work to understand the foundations of matter includes developing theoretical frameworks and applying cutting-edge tools, like quantum simulations, to studying problems in nuclear and high-energy physics. Ultimately, she hopes to describe the evolution of mater into steady states that occurred in the early universe and that happens at a smaller scale in the aftermath of high-energy particle collisions, like those in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.

Davoudi has also been acknowledged by other awards, including a Simons Emmy Noether Faculty Research Fellowship, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, a Department of Energy's Early Career Award and a Kenneth Wilson Award in Lattice Gauge Theory.

“Zohreh is an exceptionally agile physicist and an expert in nuclear theory,” says Steve Rolston, a professor and chair of the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland. “She has embraced the new world of quantum computing and is now a leader in figuring out how to use quantum computation to solve challenging nuclear and high-energy physics problems.”

Original story by Bailey Bedford