Letters From a Science Giant

Hawking Memorabilia 02262019 4976 1920x1080A handwritten letter from famed physicist Stephen Hawking to UMD physics Professor Emeritus Charles Misner in the late 1960s is one of the items being auctioned to create an endowment to support study in the field both specialized in—gravitational physics. (Photo by John T. Consoli)

"Dear Charlie,” each letter begins.

They go on to talk about kids, explore recent theoretical ideas and even ask whether reimbursement for a recent trip to the University of Maryland was coming through. Job references are also a big topic—typical for correspondence between two academics.

Far from typical was their author: Stephen Hawking, the brilliant physicist who became a popular author, a science advocate and an international symbol of perseverance in the face of his crippling Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Now the letters—donated by their recipient, UMD physics Professor Emeritus Charles Misner—are being auctioned to create an endowment in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.  

Hawking wrote the letters between 1967 and 1970. He’d hit it off with Misner, a fellow physicist studying Einstein’s theory of gravitation, while the American scientist was on a fellowship at the University of Cambridge.

Soon after, Hawking brought his family to Maryland to stay at Misner’s home and spend time at UMD. Misner’s research group was immersed in the theoretical study of gravitation, while UMD Physics Professor Joseph Weber was leading a charge to experimentally detect gravitational waves in space-time—something predicted by Einstein’s theory that even Einstein doubted could be found.

In correspondence that followed the visit, among other things, Hawking asked Misner for job referrals. “Not that I was smarter than him—but I was older,” Misner cracked in a recent interview.

Even in the late ’60s, despite the increasing physical limitations brought on by his ALS, it was clear Hawking was headed for greatness, Misner said. Through the years, the two and their families continued meeting up during fellowships, at conferences and elsewhere, although communication for Hawking became more and more labored, Misner said. Hawking died in March 2018.

Last year, when the Department of Physics was seeking funds for a memorial to Weber—who failed in his personal quest to observe gravitational waves, but laid the critical groundwork for a later experiment that would succeed—Misner remembered the letters. Departmental staff helped ransack his overstuffed office, finally turning up four letters that were auctioned by Christie's, which will create an endowment in honor of Weber to support research in gravitational physics. The auction just closed on May 23, 2019, and the letters sold for a total of 228,750 GBP.  After commissions, this should endow the Weber fund with approximately $260,000.

To contribute to the Weber fund, click here: https://giving.umd.edu/giving/fund.php?name=weber-endowment-for-gravitational-physics

Original story by Chris Carroll.

Professors Chris Monroe and Jake Taylor Describe the National Quantum Initiative in Science Magazine

F1.largeA semiconductor chip ion trap, fabricated by Sandia National Laboratories, is composed of gold-plated electrodes that suspend individual atomic ion qubits above the surface of the chip. The chip (bow-tie shape) is about 10 mm across. The inset is a magnified image of 80 atomic 171Yb+ ions glowing from scattered laser radiation. PHOTO: KAI HUDEK/UMD/IONQ AND E. EDWARDS/JQIUMD physics professors Christopher Monroe and Jake Taylor, together with Michael Raymer of the University of Oregon, published an article on the National Quantum Initiative (NQI) in the May 3 issue of Science. The NQI Act, which was signed into law on December 21, 2018, lays out a plan for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Energy to work with academia and industry to further grow the quantum information science and technology (QIST) sector. Earlier this year, Monroe and Raymer wrote an article on the NQI for the February 2019 issue of Quantum Science and Technology, which details some of the events that ultimately led to this law.

The new article describes how the NQI aims to enable a so-called QIST ecosystem to study and overcome scientific challenges in this area, as well as build up a workforce educated in quantum science. Some of the possible outcomes of the NQI could include improved sensors, universally programmable quantum computers, and a more secure global communication network. The article also briefly summarizes possible risks associated with quantum research and development, including possible failure modes of the technology, as well as unforeseen ethical questions.

Monroe is the Bice-Seci Zorn Professor of Physics, a Distinguished University Professor, Fellow of the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) and the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS). He also co-founded the quantum computing company IonQ. Monroe previously advocated for a NQI through the National Photonics Initiative and testified before a joint congressional committee hearing on the topic of American Leadership in Quantum Technology in 2017. A second JQI and QuICS Fellow Carl Williams, who is Acting Director of the Physical Measurement Laboratory at NIST, provided expert testimony to congress at that same hearing.

Taylor is an adjunct professor in the Department of Physics, Co-Director of the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science and Fellow of the Joint Quantum Institute and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He is also the Assistant Director for Quantum Information Science at the Office of Science and Technology Policy and was recently named the Interim Director for the National Quantum Coordination Office, which was established as part of the NQI.

Raymer is a Knight Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences of the Oregon Center for Optical, Molecular and Quantum Science at the University of Oregon. Raymer has also been a strong advocate for developing a national strategy around QIST.

Three Physics Undergraduates Named 2019 Goldwater Scholars

Three University of Maryland physics undergraduates have been awarded scholarships by the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, which encourages students to pursue advanced study and research careers in the sciences, engineering and mathematics. 

Over the last decade, UMD’s nominations yielded 33 scholarships—the most in the nation, followed by Stanford University with 29. Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Johns Hopkins University also rank in the top 10. The campus Goldwater Scholarship nominating process has been led since 2001 by Robert Infantino, associate dean of undergraduate education in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.

John Martyn, Nicholas Poniatowski and Mark Zic were among the 496 Barry Goldwater Scholars selected from 1,223 students nominated nationally this year. All three students plan to pursue Ph.D. degrees.

Yaelle Goldschlag, a sophomore seeking double degrees in computer science and mathematics at UMD, also recieved the prestigious scholarship.

Goldwater19 John fullJohn Martyn. Photo: Faye LevineJohn Martyn—a junior majoring in physics and a member of the University Honors Program in the Honors College—is interested in quantum information and quantum matter. One of his interests is quantum computing, which may solve some problems far faster than classical computers.

Since 2017, Martyn has worked with Physics Assistant Professor Brian Swingle on various aspects of quantum information. Martyn developed a method to prepare approximations to thermal states, which describe quantum systems in contact with a heat bath of a given temperature. Martyn’s method may one day enable quantum computers to study quantum matter systems and models of black holes. Martyn presented this work at the 2019 American Physical Society March Meeting and the 2019 National Collegiate Research Conference.

“John really strives for perfection in his work and has already demonstrated many of the skills needed to function as an independent researcher,” Swingle said.

In addition, Martyn helped administer the high energy physics computing cluster at UMD. Working with Shabnam Jabeen, a lecturer in the Department of Physics who manages the cluster, Martyn simulated the production of theoretical particles that may result from experiments performed using the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the European particle physics laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.

In summer 2018, Martyn conducted research with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) team at the California Institute of Technology, where he investigated quantum noise in LIGO’s gravitational wave detectors. Martyn constructed optical components and other electronics for a prototype detector with improved sensitivity. For this work, Martyn received the 2018 Carl Albert Rouse Undergraduate Research Fellowship from the National Society of Black Physicists.

Other awards Martyn received include the 2018 Angelo Bardasis Scholarship from the UMD Department of Physics and the 2016 Mary-Kathryn Abernathy Memorial Scholarship from the Community Foundation of Howard County.

Martyn is a member of the UMD chapter of the Society of Physics Students and the National Society of Black Physicists. He is also president of the UMD Skateboarding Club. 

Goldwater 19 Nick fullNicholas Poniatowski. Photo: Faye LevineNicholas Poniatowski—a junior majoring in physics—is interested in the study of superconductivity in unconventional materials.

Superconductors are valued for their ability to conduct electricity without resistance. However, conventional superconductors must be cooled to temperatures below -200 degrees Celsius. This makes current superconductor technology impractical for real-world applications, such as smart power grids, power storage units and imaging systems.

Working with UMD Physics Professor Richard Greene at the Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials, Poniatowski studies a family of copper-oxide materials called cuprates—high-temperature superconductors that can exhibit superconductivity closer to room temperature.

In one project, Poniatowski and his collaborators found that a particular cuprate responded in unexpected ways to variations in temperature and magnetic field. Their findings may offer clues to the origin of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates. This work will be published on May 17, 2019, in the journal Science Advances. Poniatowski presented additional results related to this work at the 2019 APS March Meeting

To further characterize high-temperature superconductors, Poniatowski also used quantum tunneling—a quantum phenomenon that can help scientists study materials at the atomic level—to probe the microscopic properties of cuprates.

In addition, Poniatowski is the sole author of an article, forthcoming in the American Journal of Physics, describing the theoretical relationship between superconductivity and the Higgs mechanism in the standard model.

“Nick is extraordinary at both theory and experiment, a combination of skills that is very rarely seen,” said Greene. “He has tremendous potential for significant experimental research contributions in the future.”

In addition to conducting research, Poniatowski served as a teaching assistant for PHYS 272: “Introductory Physics: Fields” and PHYS 441: “Introduction to Sub Atomic Physics.” During summer 2018, he served as a mentor with the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation

Goldwater 19 MarkZic fullMark Zic. Photo: Faye LevineMark Zic—a junior majoring in physics and a member of the University Honors Program in the Honors College—is interested in the study of topological materials and superconductors, which have potential applications in quantum computing.

Working with Johnpierre Paglione, professor of physics and director of the Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials, Zic conducts quantum materials research. He helped discover and characterize a novel potential superconductor that may one day help quantum computers store information more robustly. This study was published in the journal Physical Review B in 2018. 

In addition, Zic led an effort to use the UMD Radiation Facilities to irradiate quantum materials to characterize their physical properties for potential use in quantum technologies. He helped uncover how to study disorder on the atomic level in superconducting materials, which will help scientists understand the fundamental mechanism behind superconductivity. Zic presented this work at the 2018 Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Quantum Materials Summer School and Program Meeting.

Zic also assisted in experiments using ultracold temperatures to characterize a new superconductor that survives under extremely high magnetic fields. This work has been accepted for publication in the journal Science.

“Mark has continued to surprise me with his abilities, initiative and progress,” Paglione said. “He has engaged in not one, but three graduate or even postgraduate level projects in the last year and shows no signs of slowing down. He is a true asset to our center.”

Zic currently serves as a teaching assistant for PHYS 273: “Introductory Physics: Waves” and previously served as a teaching assistant for three other physics courses. In 2018, his outstanding performance as a teaching assistant earned him an honorable mention for the UMD Department of Physics’ Ralph Myers & Friends of Physics Award. In 2017, Zic served as a mentor for Foundational Learning and Mentorship Experience (previously Science Enrichment After School), a student-led program that teaches after-school physics classes to students at Adelphi Elementary School in Adelphi, Maryland.

In addition, Zic received the 2016 Angelo Bardasis Scholarship from the UMD Department of Physics from 2016 to 2019.

The Goldwater Scholarship program was created in 1986 to identify students of outstanding ability and promise in science, engineering and mathematics, and to encourage their pursuit of advanced study and research careers. The Goldwater Foundation has honored 66 University of Maryland winners and five honorable mentions since the program’s first award was given in 1989.

Colleges and universities may submit up to four nominations annually for these awards. Goldwater Scholars receive one- or two-year scholarships that cover the cost of tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per year. These scholarships are a stepping-stone to future support for the students’ research careers.


Safe Resumption of Research

Before coming to campus each day, fill out the Daily Symptom Monitoring form herehttps://return.umd.edu/

This document is intended to provide guidance for University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Principal Investigators (PIs) in consideration of Phase 1 re-opening of research on campus, and to provide a framework for investigators to build their re-opening plan. Below are the Guiding Principles for the Re-opening of Research developed by the UMD COVID19 Research Advisory Task Force, and the Fundamental Requirements for Re-opening, which are derived from input from the Task Force, UMD, and external resources.

Note that the specific requirements pertaining to individual plans for re-opening are subject to evolving federal, state, and local regulations, as well as changes to UMD and the USM guidelines and that further communications providing additional information or details will be forthcoming. 

University of Maryland Guiding Principles for the Re-Opening of Research

University of Maryland Guiding Principles for the Re-Opening of Research
1. Follow Local, State, and Federal laws, regulations, and other Executive Orders, including but not limited orders to stay-at-home and implement social distancing.
2. Follow additional guidance and best practices issued by cognizant local, State, and federal public health authorities.
3. Prioritize physical and emotional health and safety of our campus community, our visitors, and our human research subjects.
4. Make every effort to accommodate those who are uncomfortable coming to campus.
5. Prioritize the support and cultivation of early-stage researchers: untenured faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral students. They are the drivers of the future research enterprise.
6. Recognize that undergraduates are students first, researchers second. Graduate students are students first, with research as an integral part of their education.
7. Implement a fair, transparent, and equitable process for granting access to research space.
8. Ensure that the restart of research is as rapid as the public health conditions permit.
9. Build in institutional and individual flexibility and resilience in the solutions we adopt in case severe restrictions must be invoked again.
10. Create a rich learning, mentoring, and discovery experience for researchers in a flexible environment. Cultivate a spirit of radical creativity in research. Decide now what the future of research will be.

Fundamental Requirements for Re-opening
• No research activities will be allowed during Phase 0, except for work granted an exception by Deans and VPR.
• Principal Investigators must develop plans for reopening research spaces in Phase 1. These plans must be consistent with State of Maryland and Prince George’s County laws, executive orders (as well as other applicable laws and regulations) and University guidelines, and the plan must be approved by the applicable Department Chair and Dean.
• Plans should include specific details as set forth in this guide. The VPR will provide updates to these requirements, based upon evolving conditions, regulations, and guidelines.
• During Phase 0, assessment and preparation of the research space(s) may be performed by one researcher per space, as designated by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Dean and VPR.
• Researchers should sign the Commitment to Public Health Practices included with this guidance, implement all available mechanisms for ensuring health and safety, and participate in UMD supported health screenings, contact tracing, and other means of controlling the spread of COVID-19 within the UMD campus community.

Personnel Approved To Perform Research Or Essential Services On-Campus in Phase 1

  • A “researcher” is a Principal Investigator, research faculty, post-doctoral trainee, graduate student, or staff member whose primary work takes place in a research space.
  • Researchers will minimize their time on campus and those who can continue to work remotely will do so.
  • Researchers can freely raise concerns about any health and safety matter to the Principal Investigator, Department Chair, Dean, Human Resources, UMD’s Ethics, Integrity and Compliance Reporting system and/or the Department of Environmental Safety, Sustainability & Risk. [See Division of Research Whistleblower Protections.]

1. Social Distancing – Occupancy per Research Space
Key considerations:  

  • The PI must establish a plan for establishing occupancy restrictions to ensure distancing.
  • Require physical separation of at least 6 feet apart in the research space, offices, and break areas.
  • Limit the square footage per researcher permitted by the University based upon each space: Phase 1 not to exceed 1 person/room or 200ft2; Phase 2 not to exceed 1 person/room or 150ft2. Building floor plans with dimensions to calculate square footage can be found here.
  • Design workflow to minimize the need for researchers to pass frequently by one another.
  • Conduct all meetings virtually, to the best extent possible.
  • During Phase 1, departments must designate a point of contact for vendors and visitors. The department is responsible for the person’s access and may not access campus facilities without the prior approval of the Dean, or designee. Urgent repairs and actions required as a result of an emergency or incident response are permitted without prior approval for access.
  • Be mindful of elevator use; limit occupancy based upon social distancing requirements.
  • Follow all posted traffic patterns for the building hallways, stairwells, etc.
  • Post signage on research space entry doors noting permitted occupancy based upon the determined available square footage.
  • Consider the use of tape on the floors to indicate workspace positioning and/or traffic flow.
  • If demarcating physical distance requirements with physical barriers, be sure it is safe to do so. IMPORTANT: Barriers must not block egress and other fire/lift safety equipment, sprinklers, electrical panels, etc. Contact ESSR Fire Marshal’s Office for a review or approval.
  • Use signage to mark areas and/or workstations for permissions of use or research space-specific rules (e.g., 1 person per workstation, scheduling plan, point of contact for shared spaces or equipment, cleaning and disinfection, PPE requirements, etc.).
  • Consider staggering access to the spaces to limit personnel density.
  • Describe these research-specific plans in the space below or attached to comply with social distancing (person/#sq ft, floorplans with possible circulation patterns in research space).

Principal Investigators may add more detailed research space-specific social distancing plans.

2. Social Distancing - Scheduling of Work Hours
Key considerations:

  • The PI must establish a plan for the management of work hours.
  • Consider scheduling individual shifts per day and teams to work after-regular hours.
  • Include the allowance of time for individuals to clean and disinfect all surfaces, including research equipment, per Section B.5.

3. Personnel Tracking Process (Phase 1)
Occupancy tracking for researchers, vendors and visitors in the spaces will be important for contact tracing in Phase 1. 
Key considerations:

  • The PI must establish methods for recording and tracking occupancy (campus will provide electronic log book guidance)
  • Identify persons responsible for records management.

4. Personal Hygiene Behaviors to Reduce Viral Spread
Key considerations:

  • The PI is responsible for ensuring that all researchers coming to campus have access to and have reviewed information on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and the actions to take if they are feeling ill at home or on campus.
  • Researchers will not come to campus if feeling unwell for any reason.
  • Researchers will wear cloth masks when social distancing may not be possible (e.g., in hallways, stairwells, bathrooms), and in other locations where people are likely to come into contact with each other (common use spaces).
  • Researchers will cover their mouths and noses when sneezing or coughing and use best practices for hygiene, including coughing or sneezing into a tissue and immediately throw it away; use arm or sleeve to cover face if no tissue available; wash hands afterward with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Researchers will use best efforts to avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Researchers will wash their hands for 20 seconds using soap and water frequently throughout the day, wash their hands after contacting surfaces that may have been touched by other persons, and use hand sanitizer when a handwashing sink is not available.
  • Consider posting Center for Disease Control Guidelines in the research space for “How to Protect Yourself and Others”; “How to Stop the Spread of Germs” or other University guidelines as provided.

5. Surface Cleaning & Disinfection – Work Space and Equipment
Key considerations:

  • The PI must provide details of the research space, equipment and surface cleaning and disinfection plan. Include the schedule/intervals (ideally before and after use) and the disinfection materials to be used.
  • Before leaving the spaces, all researchers are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting all high contact surfaces that they may have touched, including door and drawer handles, light switches, faucets, phones, and equipment.
  • Before leaving the lab spaces, clean and disinfect the space with an EPA-registered household disinfectant suggested for use against SARS-CoV-2 [list can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars-cov-2]. Follow all manufacturer’s instructions for use, including concentration and contact time.
  • If bleach is used, make a 1:10 dilution of household bleach, which has a high efficacy against SARS-CoV-2. Bleach solutions will be made fresh every 24 hours to ensure potency. Note, bleach is corrosive to stainless steel and should not be used on this surface; a 70% ethanol solution is preferred.
  • Consider cleaning and disinfecting electronics with alcohol-based wipes or, to reduce the risk of damage to sensitive components, a spray for electronics.
  • Common use/shared PPE (face shields, safety glasses, laser safety glasses) that can be cleaned will be disinfected after use.
  • Common use equipment will be cleaned and disinfected after use.
  • Consider wearing clean disposable gloves under special/shared gloves (e.g. cryogen gloves, autoclave gloves).
  • Researchers should wash hands before and after the use of shared equipment and shared PPE.
  • Researchers will not share lab coats.

6. Illness Action and Reporting
Key considerations:

  • The PI must provide a plan for action in the event that a researcher becomes ill or feels unwell while on campus.
  • If unwell for any reason, the researcher should safely shut down lab work and leave campus immediately; report the reason for leaving to the Principal Investigator or supervisor via a phone call - not in person; and contact their healthcare provider for consultation.
  • Individuals should report positive COVID-19 test results to the University Health Center and to their PI or supervisor. 

7. Personal Safety - Measures For Working Alone and/or When Limited Personnel are on Campus
Key considerations:

  • The PI must ensure that researchers have access to information regarding safety measures.
  • Researchers are signed up for UMD Alerts https://alert.umd.edu.
  • Researchers have the UMD Emergency Number (301-405-3333) programmed into their cell phones.
  • Researchers will stay alert and attuned to people and circumstances, keep lab doors closed, limit electronic devices that block hearing or split attention making it difficult to remain vigilant, and follow the “See Something, Say Something” program to report all incidents to UMPD.
  • To keep the building secure, researchers will not prop open exterior doors; when working alone in the research space, researchers must close and secure all doors.
  • Consider using the UMD Guardian App when working alone.
  • Researchers are familiar with the location of the exterior emergency blue light phones (https://prepare.umd.edu/blue-light-phones-0) for use in any emergency situation.
  • Consider requesting a UMPD escort if researchers feel unsafe when walking across campus at night (http://www.umpd.umd.edu/services/escorts.cfm).
  • When work involves the use of hazardous materials or animals, Principal Investigators must approve the research to be conducted alone, based upon a risk assessment.

8. Training & Communication
Key considerations:  

  • The PI must establish a training and communication strategy regarding the elements of their plan.
  • Individuals approved to work on campus must have completed COVID-19 Awareness Training, to include signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and the actions to take if they are feeling ill at home or on campus.
  • The Principal Investigator has shared each of the following with group members:
    • The requirements for space occupancy, social distancing, and other COVID-19 safety measures.
    • The Procedures for personal hygiene and self-monitoring.
    • The procedures for the proper use of PPE.
    • The procedures to wear face masks.
    • The procedures to clean and disinfect all surfaces and equipment, including those in the labs/spaces where shared equipment use is planned.
    • The procedures for ensuring personal safety, and reporting illness or potential exposure.

To minimize the risk to public health while performing research at the University of Maryland (UMD), students, staff, and faculty are expected to adhere to public health practices to minimize the spread of COVID19.


































Please return completed agreement to: the Faculty PI/ Research Group Leader/Lab Director

Please note: All Forms must be shared with Department Chairs and/or Dean’s Offices


The Research Group Leader/Principal Investigator/Laboratory Director sharing this agreement understands it is their responsibility, to the best of their ability, to effectively communicate and promote these public health behaviors.

UMD Physics Team Receives Invention of the Year Award at Innovate Maryland 2019

InventoroftheYear2018From quantum computing and augmented reality to biomedical advances and innovative new materials, the 2018 Invention of the Year award winners spanned the range of research and entrepreneurship at Maryland.

Winners in four categories and one overall winner were announced Thursday at the Hotel at the University of Maryland at Innovate Maryland 2019.   

“This event is a celebration of all the Fearless Ideas being activated by UMD students and faculty to create solutions that can transform lives,” said UMD Chief Innovation Officer Julie Lenzer. "We also gather to recognize recent accomplishments across our innovation ecosystem, the connective tissue that makes all this possible."

Since 1987, the university has honored exceptional inventions that have the potential to make a transformative impact on science, society and the free market. Vice President for Research Laurie E. Locascio announced that the Office of Technology Commercialization will retire its name and now be known as UM Ventures–College Park.

“This name change is reflective of the university’s expanded efforts to create a seamless environment for the creative output of our research enterprise,” said Locascio.

A panel of judges selected the following winners:

Overall: “Cryogenic Ion Trapping and Storage System for Quantum Information”

  • Christopher Monroe, Distinguished University Professor and Bice Sechi-Zorn Professor, Department of Physics and Joint Quantum Institute (JQI)
  • Guido Pagano, postdoctoral researcher, Department of Physics and JQI
  • Paul Hess, postdoctoral researcher, JQI
  • Harvey Kaplan, Ph.D. student, Department of Physics and JQI
  • Wen Lin Tan, Ph.D. student, Department of Physics and JQI
  • Philip Richerme, former postdoctoral fellow, Department of Physics

Information Sciences: “Augmented Reality Enabled Catheter”

  • Amitabh Varshney, professor and dean, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
  • Sarah Murthi, M.D., associate professor of surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine; trauma surgeon, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center
  • Gary Schwartzbauer, M.D., assistant professor of neurosurgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine; neurosurgeon, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center
  • Xuetong Sun, doctoral student, Department of Computer Science

Life Sciences: “Novel Method of Internal Organ Generation For Therapy and Research in Humans and Animals”

  • Chi-Hun Park, faculty assistant, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences
  • Bhanu Telugu, associate professor, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences

Physical Sciences: “Strong and Tough Graphite-Paper Composites”

  • Liangbing Hu, assistant professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
  • Yubing Zhou, professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Maryland Nanocenter
  • Chaoji Chen, professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Maryland Nanocenter
  • Teng Li, associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
  • Robert Foster, executive vice president of development, Trinity Rail Group

Startup of the Year: IonQ, an early-stage quantum computing company co-founded by Monroe and Jungsang Kim, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science at Duke University.