We proudly recognize members of our community who recently garnered major honors, began new positions and more.
Faculty and Staff
- Erik Blaufuss was quoted in the New York Times.
- Zackaria Chacko was elected an APS Fellow.
- Sankar Das Sarma was quoted in Shares magazine and MIT Technology Review.
- Zohreh Davoudi Received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
- William DeRocco was quoted in the Stamford Advocate.
- Jim Gates was interviewed by the NYU Abu Dhabi Institute.
- Ted Jacobson was quoted in NewScientist.
- Kiyong Kim was elected as a Fellow of Optica.
- Howard Milchberg's new experiment was featured in Chemical and Engineering News.
- Wolfgang Losert and colleagues received a $2 Million grant to build a quantum biosensing test bed.
- Sasha Philippov was awarded a 2024 Packard Fellowship.
- Roald Sagdeev co-authored an article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
- Jay Sau was quoted in The Indian Express.
- Alexander Schuckert was quoted in NewScientist.
- Reza Ebadi has won the 2025 Biruni Award, which recognizes outstanding research by Iranian physics graduate students in the United States.
- Malcolm Maas was named a 2025-26 Churchill Scholar.
- Adam Ehrenberg (Ph.D, '24) joined the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) as a Research Staff Member.
- Chad Mitchell (Ph.D., '07) is a physicist at the Accelerator Technology & Applied Physics Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
- Luke Sollitt (B.S., '97) is a planetary physicist for NASA.
- C. V. Vishveshwara (Ph.D., '68) was recalled as Scientist of the Day on March 6, 2025.
Department News
- Governor Wes Moore announced a $1B ‘Capital of Quantum’ initiative centered at UMD.
UMD President Darryll Pines wrote a guest commentary on quantum science in the Baltimore Sun.