Phoebe received her BS in physics from Youngstown State University in 2007, and her PhD in experimental particle physics from the University of Maryland in 2013 working on the BaBar experiment at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. She stayed on at Maryland to work as a postdoc and later a faculty specialist on the Large Hadron Collider Beauty (LHCb) experiment, taking a major role in the development of the off-detector electronics for the Upstream Tracker in LHCb’s first major upgrade. In that time she played a leading role in pioneering the first measurement at a hadron collider of semileptonic b-hadron decays to third generation leptons, opening up new opportunities to test lepton flavor universality that system. In addition, she proposed and helped develop tools for reconstruction of decays without a reconstructible b-hadron decay point, allowing for new CP violation measurements previously impossible at LHCb, and has an ongoing interest in finding ways to further expand the kinds of measurements considered possible in challenging hadron collider environments.
- A New Piece in the Matter–Antimatter Puzzle
- Finding the Beauty in Physics
- (Possibly) Breaking the Standard Model, One Lepton-universality-violating Decay at a Time
- UMD Team Leads a New Test of Universality of Leptons at the LHCb Experiment
- UMD Physicists Contribute to New B Meson Finding
- LHCb Experiment Discovers CP Violation in the Charm Quark System