Undergrads Highlight High Energy Physics COVID-19 Relief Efforts

The University of Maryland’s First-Year Innovation & Research Experience (FIRE) program encourages students to delve into research. In one of the FIRE streams, Simulating Particle Detection (SPD), the students explore high-energy physics under the tutelage of Dr. Müge Karagöz, with advising contributions by Prof. Sarah Eno and Associate Prof. Alberto Belloni.  The curriculum focuses on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC is also home to the LHCb experiment; UMD physicists collaborate in both.

The 2020 SPD Summer Scholars were Ojo Akinwale, David Bour, Fred Angelo Garcia, Kevin Liang, Drew Melis, Norman Moon, Joao Pereira and Kate Sturge. While the primary focus of the summer program was assessing the performance of the High-Granularity Calorimeter as part of the CMS detector upgrades, the group also wanted to acknowledge the COVID-19 relief efforts made by CERN personnel and the wider high-energy community. Collaborating remotely, they  produced a video describing such efforts.

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdFZlSFefQY

Goldwater Scholar Scott Moroch Explores Accelerator Physics

Scott Moroch; courtesy of sameScott Moroch

If you’re a student hoping to one day make your mark in the world of scientific research, there are few scholarships more prestigious than the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, which encourages students to pursue advanced study and research careers in the sciences, engineering and mathematics.

Over the last decade, the University of Maryland’s nominations yielded 33 Goldwater Scholarships—the most in the nation—and 13 of those scholarships were awarded to physics majors. 

“It is not surprising that physics has produced more of UMD’s Goldwater Scholars than any other department over the last 10 years,” said Robert Infantino, associate dean of undergraduate education in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences. Infantino has led UMD’s Goldwater Scholarship nominating process since 2001. “The deep commitment of our physics faculty members to mentor undergraduates on research projects has helped to transform outstanding students like Scott into researchers who significantly advance physics research even as undergraduates and who become nationally competitive scholars for competitions like the Goldwater Scholarship and NSF graduate fellowships.”<

The physics department’s latest Goldwater Scholar is Scott Moroch, who will use the scholarship to begin taking graduate-level courses at UMD, an opportunity he earned by completing all of his undergraduate requirements ahead of schedule. Moroch plans to graduate in December 2020, a full semester early.

“I was really excited when I learned that I got the scholarship because I feel like I've worked really hard and I’ve participated in a lot of research as an undergraduate,” Moroch said. “It felt very rewarding and it gave me the confidence I needed to feel like I can be a leader in the field of accelerator physics and do more research in the future.”

Moroch has been interested in math and science since he was 13 years old, but he became interested in physics in 7th grade after reading an article about a teenager who built his own nuclear fusion reactor. 

“After reading that article, something clicked and I just had to build one of these machines,” he said. 

Moroch and one of his friends spent the next three years doing research and working on creating their own reactor. Creating the type of reactor they were looking to build—a tabletop fusion device—would cost thousands of dollars, so they had to get creative. Moroch saved all of the money he received as gifts on his birthday and holidays, and he reached out to companies that donated scientific equipment or sold it to him at a discount.

“So many of these companies would normally build equipment used at universities or other research institutions, but they loved the idea that we were doing this project and getting involved at such a young age, so we managed to get a lot of equipment donated to the project,” Moroch said. “It was a huge help.”

By the time Moroch graduated high school, he had completed the nuclear fusion device. But he never entered it into a showcase or science fair. He simply did it for the love of physics.

“Physics started as a hobby for me,” Moroch explained. “Some people like fixing cars or collecting things, and I just like conducting different physics experiments for my own personal fulfillment.”

It was that deep-rooted interest in physics that brought Moroch to UMD. For years, he had been following the work of Timothy Koeth, an assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics. It was Koeth who brought a cyclotron, a type of particle accelerator that won its inventor the 1939 Nobel Prize in physics, to Maryland ahead of Moroch’s freshman year. 

“Professor Koeth moved the cyclotron from Rutgers University in New Jersey to UMD, and that's actually one of the reasons why I chose to come to Maryland,” Moroch said. “I wanted to work on this machine.”

The beams that cyclotrons produce, while potentially dangerous, accomplish wondrous things—killing cancer cells with extreme precision, for instance, or changing atoms into a different element altogether.

“Research accelerators at universities are pushing the boundaries of physics,” Moroch said. “They get bigger and bigger with higher and higher energies.” 

Now, Moroch is working with Koeth to develop a novel cyclotron storage ring for Lockheed Martin. The company is interested in using the technology for a new class of power supplies for aerospace electric propulsion systems that can carry things into the solar system and beyond.

With initial funding from Lockheed, Moroch showed that a cyclotron design could be effective, but it was unstable. So, the company decided to fund a more ambitious project at UMD—where the instabilities could be factored out. Moroch now leads a significant portion of the research team.

“In the past 20 years, I have mentored several dozen undergraduate researchers, and Scott Moroch is the first that has demonstrated the entire cycle of research and brought in substantial research funds,” Koeth said.

Last summer and fall, Moroch led a team of three undergraduates in assembling and upgrading a low-energy storage ring as part of the project, an accomplishment he is most proud of.

“Making that storage ring operational again was my most rewarding work because it was a real team effort,” Moroch said. “Some of my research projects have been individual projects, so it was exciting to have everyone be involved and play a part.”

Moroch will continue his work with Koeth on the cyclotron after graduation before starting graduate school in fall 2021 to earn his Ph.D. in physics. Once he finishes his graduate studies, he hopes to pursue a career in academia.

“I love doing research and I have loved teaching during the semesters that I have been a teaching assistant,” he said. “It's really rewarding to teach students and see them understand the concepts of accelerators for the first time. Several of these students have gone on to work in our research group, so I've gotten to work alongside them and watch them continue to grow and learn. I definitely think becoming a university professor is my ultimate end goal.”

Written by Chelsea Torres

QTC, NRL Announce New Partnership

The Quantum Technology Center (QTC)—a joint venture between the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering and the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS)—entered into an Education Partnership Agreement with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) to identify and pursue opportunities related to quantum technology research. 

The new partnership with NRL is specifically focused on advancing quantum technology for applications that are relevant to the warfighter, and will involve exchanges of expertise and samples; collaborations in experimental, theoretical, and educational work; mutual research proposals; and the exchange of researchers.

"The University of Maryland is excited to partner with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory to explore the diverse applications of quantum technologies," said Dr. Laurie Locascio, vice president for research at UMD.

Launched in 2019, QTC capitalizes on the university’s strong research programs and partnerships in quantum science and systems engineering, and pursues collaborations with industry and government labs to help take promising quantum advances from the lab to the marketplace. QTC has a long rooted history of working with the Department of Defense Research Labs, as QTC’s founding partner is the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Army Research Laboratory.

Quantum technology is making a huge impact in industry and government sectors, and the partnership between UMD and NRL will help move critical technologies forward.

“Research in quantum information science and technologies has the potential to bring new warfighting capabilities to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps as well as to provide benefits to society at large,” said Gerald M. Borsuk, Ph.D., associate director of research for the systems directorate at NRL. “We are excited about working with the Quantum Technology Center at the University of Maryland to advance leading edge quantum technologies. We share a mutual commitment to providing students and faculty with high quality educational outreach, knowledge sharing, and research opportunities.”

Both the QTC and NRL aim to build and improve STEM educational and research capacities, and provide resources and equipment for research activities. There have been collaborations and joint proposals between these groups in recent years, particularly in work on solid state systems. Moving forward, future interactions are expected to involve work on quantum dots and defects, and on systems for quantum memory and networking, with a goal to advance the scaling and integration of quantum technologies. 

“Quantum technology is developing rapidly, and many organizations are quickly getting involved. We are thrilled to collaborate with NRL to strengthen the current research and training activities within QTC, expand our research in areas such as machine learning and quantum networking, and notably, accelerate realization of the quantum internet,” said Ronald Walsworth, founding director of the QTC and UMD professor of electrical and computer engineering and physics. Mohammad Hafezi, Alicia Kollár, Norbert Linke, Chris Monroe and Steve Rolston are also QTC members.

The partners are also interested in collaborating on technologies associated with creating and implementing a quantum internet network. This research would involve quantum memory, quantum repeaters and routers, as well as associated classical network theory and associated implementations. Another area of interest to both QTC and NRL include defect states in semiconductors, such as diamond and silicon carbide, for opportunities in networking and in sensing, particularly magnetometry.

“QTC translates quantum science into new capabilities and technologies for real world applications. This partnership gives QTC, UMD and the Navy the opportunity for joint research to advance quantum technology for the Navy and will help prepare a workforce trained in this critical area,” said Walsworth.


Arnold J. Glick, 1931- 2020

Professor Emeritus Arnold J. Glick died on Aug. 16, after falling ill two days earlier.

Glick was the only child of immigrants who met and married in Brooklyn and operated a small clothing store. His early interest and acuity in math and science led to acceptance into New York’s renowned and specialized Stuyvesant High School.

After graduation, Glick moved to Israel to work at Kibbutz Gal On at a time of scarcity in the new nation. Undernourished and in receipt of a U.S. Army draft notice, he returned home and was sent to the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he worked on radio communications during the Korean War. Near the end of his service, he was charged in a McCarthy-era military court with being a communist. Eventually, it was revealed that the accusation stemmed from his father’s attendance at a lecture by the writer Howard Fast.  Once Glick was cleared and honorably discharged, he earned his bachelor’s degree in physics from Brooklyn College and entered the UMD physics graduate program under the tutelage of Richard A. Ferrell, studying how electrons in metals respond when heated or subjected to electric fields.

Glick received his doctorate in 1961 and accepted a postdoctoral position in nuclear physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. There he did his most recognized work, on many-particle phenomena, including a paper with well over 1,000 citations. He was then invited to join the UMD physics faculty by then-chair John Sampson Toll.

Glick developed a new major focus on the properties of 1D (one-dimensional) polyacetylene, an intrinsically conducting polymer invented in 1958; interest flourished after a landmark 1979 paper showing that it supports solitons. Collaborating with him was postdoc Garnett W. Bryant, now Group Leader of the Atomic-Scale Device Group at NIST. “It was very fun at the time working with Arnie on these projects and having a chance, for the first time, to experience the excitement of working in a high profile, emerging area of physics,” said Bryant.

Collaborating with his student Shyamalendu M. Bose and Prof. Angelo Bardasis, Glick calculated quasiparticle damping in a free-electron gas. With George A Ausman, Jr., he studied many-body effects that occurred near the threshold for core excitations in metals caused by soft x-rays.  Other work included Auger emission spectra in metals with student Amy Liu Hagen, many-body effects in core-level spectroscopy with student Harvey Gotts, fluctuation-induced tunneling in a 1D tight-binding model with student Ronald J. Cohen and soliton contributions with student David M. Mackie.

Glick’s student William R. Bandy, the department’s 2012 Distinguished Alumnus, studied electron tunneling and diagonal disorder with Glick. Bandy recalled “sitting in his office talking through my latest technical challenge, hearing about the latest engine replacement for his aging VW bus camper that he drove to Aspen every summer…. he was always giving me recommendations for good hiking trails in the region.”

Glick's parents taught him to hike as a youngster. The days spent ascending New Hampshire's White Mountains and snacking on mulberries inspired a love of nature that lasted throughout his lifetime.    

Another keen interest was folk dancing, which he enjoyed for decades. Glick also availed himself of UMD’s breadth and studied modern dance, ballet, scuba diving, squash, movies and sculpture. He and his wife Rachel were frequent visitors at the department’s special lectures, retreats and retirement celebrations and enjoyed lectures and performances at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center.

In addition to Rachel, survivors include his first wife, Nevet Montgomery; daughters Jody Glick, Jeri Glick (Charles Anderson), and Ora DeMorrow (Shannon Lynch); and four grandchildren.

His obituary in the Greenbelt News Review is here: https://greenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR20200827.pdf


Ott Elected Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea

Professor Ed Ott has been elected a foreign member of the Academia Europaea for his outstanding achievements and international scholarship as a researcher. He is globally known for his pioneering contributions in nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory.

Ott is a University of Maryland Distinguished University Professor and holder of the Yuen Sang and Yu Yuen Kit So Endowed Professorship in nonlinear dynamics. He received the 2014 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society, and in 2017, the Lewis Fry Richardson Medal of the European Geosciences Union. Also in 2017, he was selected for the Jürgen Moser Lecture, sponsored by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).  

Ott is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the American Physical Society and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering at The Cooper Union and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrophysics from Polytechnic Institute, then enjoyed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics of Cambridge University. Returning stateside, he joined the Electrical Engineering faculty at Cornell. He left Ithaca in 1979 to join the Department of Physics and Department of Electrical Engineering on this campus. He is a member of the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP), and has held appointments at the Naval Research Lab and what is now the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

The Academia Europaea fosters excellence in scholarship in the humanities, law, social and hard sciences.