Davoudi, Manucharyan Receive DOE Early Career Research Funding

Zohreh Davoudi and Vladimir Manucharyan are among the 73 scientists selected by the Department of Energy for Early Career funding. Davoudi’s proposal, Analog and Digital Quantum Simulations of Strongly Interacting Theories for Applications in Nuclear Physics was chosen by the Office of Nuclear Physics. Manucharyan’s proposal, Realization of a Quantum Slide Rule for 1+1 Dimensional Quantum Field Theories Using Josephson Superconducting Circuits was selected for funding by the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research.

Davoudi and Manucharyan will each receive $750,000 over five years. The list of awardees and their abstracts can be seen here.


Alicia Kollár Joins UMD Physics

Alicia KollárAlicia Kollár

Alicia Kollár joins the Department of Physics on August 1, 2019 as the Chesapeake Assistant Professor of Physics.

Kollár holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Princeton University, and earned her doctorate in applied physics at Stanford University in 2016, working on the design and construction of a multimode cavity-BEC apparatus to study superradiant self-organization. She was a National Defense Science and Engineering Fellow at Stanford, and after graduating continued for one year as a postdoctoral scholar. She then accepted a Princeton Materials Science Postdoctoral Fellowship to work on quantum simulation of solid-state physics using circuit QED lattices; that research was recently featured in Physics World.

At UMD, Kollár will be a Fellow of the Joint Quantum Institute and the newly-formed Quantum Technology Center, a collaborative effort between the A. James Clark School of Engineering and the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences to establish UMD as the nation’s leading center for academic quantum technology research and education.


Mirrors on the Moon

Along with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, University of Maryland scientists left a lasting mark on the moon when Apollo 11 landed there 50 years ago this week, one that is still imprinting on the world of physics.

That’s because a piece of equipment the astronauts left behind—a small panel of 100 mirrors designed by UMD physicists Doug Currie and the late Carroll Alley and a national team—remains in use for experiments. It may soon get an upgrade, too, thanks to NASA’s new project to send astronauts back to the moon by 2024 and, eventually, to Mars.

Called the lunar laser ranging array, it works in tandem with two others placed by the Apollo 14 and 15 missions in 1971, and provides a target for lasers beamed from telescopes on Earth. The bounce-back from those pulses enables precise measurements of distance that in the past five decades have led to discoveries ranging from the moon’s liquid core to confirming that Earth’s continents are still (slowly) moving.

In fact, the arrays are responsible for “really the only verification” of some aspects of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, said Currie, now a professor emeritus at UMD.

“Science has come out of it remarkably,” he said.

There’s plenty more to learn, as Currie has been working with the National Laboratories of Frascati, Italy, and commercial space company Moon Express to get a new generation of arrays onto the moon. NASA announced earlier this month that the arrays will be one of 12 experiments placed on future payload missions as part of the Artemis lunar program and in partnership with private space companies.

With measurements exponentially more accurate, Currie hopes the new instruments shed light on mysteries like dark energy and dark matter. “The gain we will have with the next generation is significant,” Currie said. “It allows us to chase in the direction of some of the fundamental questions of physics.”

Article by Liam Farrell, reprinted from Maryland Today

Read more about Carroll Alley.

Read more about Doug Currie's new retroreflectors.

Watch an ABC News interview with Doug Currie.about the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11.


Gorshkov Receives Early Career Research Award

Alexey Gorshkov(Credit: J. Consoli/UMD)Adjunct Associate Professor Alexey Gorshkov has received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Gorshkov is a physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Physical Measurement Laboratory, as well as a Fellow of the UMD Joint Quantum Institute and the Fellow of the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science.  

Read more: https://jqi.umd.edu/news/gorshkov-receives-early-career-research-award

Wolfgang Losert Named Interim Director of IPST

Wolfgang Losert has been named interim director of the university’s Institute for Physical Science and Technology (IPST), effective July 1, 2019.

Losert will serve as interim director while the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) conducts a national search to find a replacement for Christopher Jarzynski, who recently completed his five-year term as director. In addition to his IPST role, Losert will continue to serve as CMNS associate dean for research while CMNS Associate Dean Gerald “Jerry” Wilkinson takes on Losert’s responsibilities for graduate education.

“I want to thank Wolfgang for agreeing to serve in this capacity while we search for a new director of IPST,” said CMNS Dean Amitabh Varshney. “IPST is an important institute in our college. The interdisciplinary research the faculty members and students in IPST pursue is extremely valuable—they are truly expanding our understanding of the world around us.

IPST conducts interdisciplinary research in emerging areas at the boundaries between physics, chemistry, the mathematical and life sciences, and engineering. The institute also supports three interdisciplinary graduate programs in chemical physics, biophysics and applied mathematics.

“It is a great honor to serve as interim director of IPST, working with our star faculty and outstanding junior scientists at the forefront of interdisciplinary research,” Losert said. “When I look at our institute, interdisciplinary graduate training really stands out as a major accomplishment. IPST supports three interdisciplinary graduate programs and IPST faculty lead two prestigious NSF-funded interdisciplinary graduate training programs, the COMBINE program in network biology and the UMD node of the Physics of Living Systems Student Research Network. I look forward to working with our dedicated staff in support of IPST’s mission in the coming year.”

In his personal research, Losert aims to discover emergent dynamic properties of complex systems at the interface of physics and biology, with a focus on collective migration and activity of cells. He currently leads a $7.5 million Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative program funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and serves as co-principal investigator on a $20 million Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) initiative center grant from the National Institutes of Health. Additional funding for Losert’s research comes from the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He was elected fellow of the American Physical Society in 2017. 

Within CMNS and the broader scientific community, Losert actively fosters cross-disciplinary interactions and new research and educational opportunities. He helped launch and currently co-leads the American Physical Society Group on Data Science. He is part of a trans-university initiative of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (called NEXUS) that is developing new science and math courses for biology majors and pre-health care students that can serve as a national model. He helped initiate and co-directs the NCI-UMD Partnership for Integrative Cancer Research, which provides UMD faculty members and graduate students the opportunity to tackle pressing problems in cancer research in collaboration with National Cancer Institute experts. 

Losert joined UMD in 2000 as an assistant professor and has served as an associate dean in CMNS since 2014. He earned his Ph.D. in physics from the City College of the City University of New York in 1998 and his diplom in applied physics from the Technical University of Munich in Germany in 1995.

During Jarzynski’s time as IPST director, he facilitated the recruitment of several faculty members to the institute: Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Assistant Professor Daniel Dwyer, Mathematics Assistant Professor Lise-Marie Imbert-Gerard, Chemistry and Biochemistry Assistant Professor Pratyush Tiwary, and Mathematics Professor Konstantina Trivisa. Jarzynski also launched an interdisciplinary research team program in IPST to incubate new research fields. The first seed-funded team, led by Dwyer, is using microfluids to study antimicrobial resistance. The institute also advanced its leadership in the field of phase transitions in fluids and plasmas under Jarzynski by hosting U.S.-Russia workshops on the topic in 2016 and 2017.

Media Relations Contact: Abby Robinson, 301-405-5845, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.